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The unfertilized eggs of the queen bee hatch into male bees, or drones. Worker bees, or females, and female queen bees hatch from fertilized eggs.

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Q: Which eggs hatch in to males and which into females in case of honey bees?
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Related questions

How many eggs hatch into males and female in honey bees?

Around 1% will be drones (male bees). The others will be workers (infertile females).

Which egg of honey bees hatch in to male and which in to female?

The unfertilized eggs of the queen bee hatch into male bees, or drones. Worker bees, or females, and female queen bees hatch from fertilized eggs.

How many classes are honey bees divided into in a bee hives?

Three. In a honey bee hive, all of the bees are workers (infertile females) except for the queen and a few hundred drones (males).

Who from the bees makes honey?

It is the worker bees that make the honey.

What are the different bees in a beehive?

In a honey bee hive there will be one queen, several hundred drones (males) and all the others (up to 80000) will be workers (infertile females).

Are nurse bees females?

Yes. All worker bees are females. The males are the drones, and they do no work in the hive, nor do they forage for food.

What bees dont sting?

Wasps,hornets, honey-bees, bumble bees, killer bees.Only the females (queen and workers) can sting, the males (drones) can't.

What is the name for female and male bees?

Male bees are called drones and females are workers.

What is an example of Parthenogenesis?

An example of parthenogenesis is in whiptail lizards, where females can reproduce asexually by laying eggs that develop into clones of themselves without fertilization by a male. This reproductive strategy allows these lizards to maintain populations in the absence of males.

Do male or female bees collect pollen?

Females, males are only meant to mate with the queen.

What is sticky and sweet and comes from bees?

honey hence the name honey bees Honey bees also produce bees wax by converting honey.

What are the percent of female workers?

About 95% of the honey bees in a hive are workers (infertile females). The rest are drones (male bees) and just one queen.