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The symbols for the metalloids are:

B (boron)

Si (Silicon)

Ge (Germanium)

As (Arsenic)

Sb (Antimony)

Te (Tellurium)

Po (polonium)

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Kip Strosin

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Q: Which element are metalloids symbols
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Which metalloids have symbols not based on English names?

Two metalloids with symbols not based on English names are antimony (Sb) and germanium (Ge). Their symbols are derived from their Latin names: stibium for antimony and germania for germanium.

Is metalloids a type of element?

Yes, metalloids are elements that have properties of both metals and nonmetals.

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Metalloids are: boron, arsenic, tellurium, silicon, antimony, germanium.

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Metalloids are chemical elements; they have not a chemical equation. They have chemical symbols as B, As, Ge, Te, Si, Sb.

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Metalloids are a 'one-of-a-kind' element. They contain a mix of chemical and physical properties from both metals and nonmetals. Metalloids can act as either a metal or a nonmetal, which makes them a metalloid.

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