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Q: Which element decreases its oxidation number in the following reaction?
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What is a re-dox reaction?

A reaction in which electrons have been transferred from one atom to another .

Can the oxidation number of an element change?

Yes, it can. When the element loses electron, the oxidation number increases and when it gains electron, the oxidation number decreases.

Which element increases its oxidation number in the following reaction 2na plus 2h2o---2naoh plus h2?

Sodium - it goes from oxidation number 0 to +1

What you is oxidation?

A reaction in which the atoms in an element lose electrons and the valence of the element is correspondingly increased.

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None. All oxidation states stay the same in this reaction.

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This is an oxidation reaction.

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When oxygen is added to an element through a chemical reaction, this is called oxidation. A common oxidation is the formation of rust.

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What do half-reactions show?

Type your answer here... The number of electrons transferred in the reaction

Oxidation reaction involving removal of eletropositive element?

2ki + h2o2 = 2koh +i2

What element decreases its oxidation number in the following reaction bici2 na2so4 2 naci biso4?

None do. Let's look at each compound: BiCl2... this is Bi2+ and Cl- Na2SO4... this is Na+ and SO42- NaCl... this is Na+ and Cl- BiSO4... this is Bi2+ and SO42- So as you can see, nobody is changing its charge, so everyone's oxidation number stayed constant. Of course I am a bit confused by the fact that Bismuth does not ever form a +2 ion (only +3 and +5), so I would have to assume you meant Ba2+. But it would not change what I wrote up there. It would simply be a precipition reaction, not an oxidation-reduction reaction.

What occurs to reducing agent in a reduction reaction?

An element is REDUCED. By that, it means that an element of a compound or an element in itself has gained electron/s when the reaction occurs. You can find this out when you see a change in their oxidation number.