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The element in Freud's personality theory that consists of the conscience and the ego ideal is the superego. The superego functions to internalize societal and parental values, moral standards, and ideals, guiding behavior towards what is considered socially acceptable. It influences decision-making by enforcing moral standards and ideals, as well as producing feelings of guilt or pride based on one's actions.

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Q: Which element in Freud's personality theory consists of the conscience and the ego ideal?
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Which element of Freuds personality theory is guided by the pleasure principle?

The id is the element of Freud's personality theory that is guided by the pleasure principle. It operates on the basis of seeking immediate satisfaction of basic desires, without considering consequences or morality.

What was the idea of freuds theory of personality stressed?

Freud's theory of personality stressed the importance of unconscious thoughts and desires in shaping human behavior. He proposed that personality is composed of three parts: the id (instinctual drives), ego (conscious awareness), and superego (moral values). Freud believed that internal conflicts between these parts influence an individual's personality development.

According to Freuds theory of personality our primitive and instinctual motives are contained in the?

According to Freud's theory of personality, our primitive and instinctual motives are contained in the id. The id operates on the pleasure principle and seeks immediate gratification of desires, without considering the consequences. The id is present from birth and is driven by basic biological urges.

In freuds model of the personality what is considered to be the social part of the personality?

In Freud's model of the personality, the social part is known as the ego. The ego operates on the reality principle, balancing the demands of the id, superego, and external world to make practical and rational decisions. It develops as a person interacts with the external world and helps manage conflicts between instinctual desires and societal norms.

The name for Sigmund Freuds type of therapy?

Freud invented psychoanalysis.

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Which element of Freuds personality theory is guided by the pleasure principle?

The id is the element of Freud's personality theory that is guided by the pleasure principle. It operates on the basis of seeking immediate satisfaction of basic desires, without considering consequences or morality.

Which of these describes a major difference between neo-freudians and freuds theory of personality?

neo-freudians placed emphasis on social relationships A+LS (:

What was the idea of freuds theory of personality stressed?

Freud's theory of personality stressed the importance of unconscious thoughts and desires in shaping human behavior. He proposed that personality is composed of three parts: the id (instinctual drives), ego (conscious awareness), and superego (moral values). Freud believed that internal conflicts between these parts influence an individual's personality development.

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What was the name of freuds daughter?

Anna Freud

According to Freuds theory of personality our primitive and instinctual motives are contained in the?

According to Freud's theory of personality, our primitive and instinctual motives are contained in the id. The id operates on the pleasure principle and seeks immediate gratification of desires, without considering the consequences. The id is present from birth and is driven by basic biological urges.

In freuds model of the personality what is considered to be the social part of the personality?

In Freud's model of the personality, the social part is known as the ego. The ego operates on the reality principle, balancing the demands of the id, superego, and external world to make practical and rational decisions. It develops as a person interacts with the external world and helps manage conflicts between instinctual desires and societal norms.

In freuds theory the role of the dream is to make us aware of what?

Unconscious desires.

The name for Sigmund Freuds type of therapy?

Freud invented psychoanalysis.

What effect did sigmund freuds theories have on contemporary thought?

They undermined the notion that behavior is fundamentally rational.

What has the author Ivan Kalmar written?

Ivan Kalmar has written: 'The Trotskys, Freuds and Woody Allens'