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By definition, organic compounds must contain hydrogen and carbon. Other common elements include oxygen and nitrogen and sometimes sulphur, phosphorus, halogens. There are many other compounds that contain metals (organometallic chemistry).

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Carbon is found in all organic compounds.

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Q: Which element is the main componemnt in all organic molecules?
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What is the main component of organic molecules?

Carbon is always the main component of organic molecules.

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What are the two main groups in a plasma membrane of organic molecules?

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What are three main elements comprising the structure of organic molecules?

Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen

Which element mainly is an organic compound composed of?

The main element in organic chemistry is C. If you look the organic chemistry, the naming is all related to carbon chain and regarding the position of the element you are looking for, you will name the C # that element located at. there are 3 types of organic cpd alkalane(single carbon bond), alkalene (double bond), alkalyne(triple carbond bond)

Is molecule an organism?

Organic molecules are substances found in living things, the four main classes are carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids.The original definition of organic chemicals were ones that could only be made by living things (organisms, thus the name) never in a lab. Then chemists gradually learned how to make a few of them. The definition was changed to complicated compounds containing the element carbon. This usually requires a minimum of 2 carbon atoms per molecule. Now we can make many of them in industrial quantities. An organic molecule are built around chains of carbon atoms and are the molecules of life. The four main groups of organic molecules are proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, and carbohydrates.

What element is in 4 main classes of organic compounds?

aliphatic, alicyclic, aromatic and heterocyclic compounds.

What are the four main types of organic molecules found in plant cells?

The four main types of organic molecules found in plant cells are: 1. awesome 2. Chuck Norris 3. Shape shifting Jews 4. wicked huge explosions and pirates are awesome!!!!

What of the four types of organic molecules found in living things?

The four main categories of organic compounds in organisms are proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids.

Is The chemistry of life is centered on the chemistry of the element oxygen?

No, most would say Carbon. Oxygen is important of course but carbon is the main organic element

What acts as proteins?

Proteins are part of the 4 main organic molecules, Carbohydrates, nucleic acids, lipids, and proteins. They are carbon based molecules that have an amino and carboxyl group.

What is the function in mitochondria in eukaryotes?

The main function of mitochondria is respiration in the cell, that is, to produce energy from the breakdown of organic molecules like carbohydrates.