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Q: Which empire exist before Babylon in mesopotamia?
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Where are the hanging gardens of of Babylon?

They don't exist anymore. When they did, however, they were located in Babylon in Lower Mesopotamia (now Iraq) about 55 miles south of present day Bagdad.the hanging gardens of Babylon are in Greece

What country is the haning gardens of Babylon located?

The modern day country in which the Hanging Gardens of Babylon where, is now the present day Iraq

Who is the leader of the Babylon and what is he known for?

Babylon does not exist today as a city or empire. The ruins are located in southern Iraq. So now you could look up politics in Iraq.

Where can you visit in Mesopotamia?

You can't visit Mesopotamia - unless you know how to time travel. Mesopotamia is the historic land which is presently known as Iraq. Babylon, from Mesopotamia, no longer exists, but Baghdad, Iraq does. It can be visited by U.S. military and diplomatic personnel, as well as by various military contractors. Tourism does not exist, at present, in Iraq.

Is it true that hanging garden of babylon did exist before?

History has the fact very well recorded.

How did Mesopotamia come to exist?


When Mesopotamia started to exist?

3200 BC

Did the colonies benefit from the british empire?

Well the 'colonies' did not exist before so yes.

When did babylonia flourish?

The Babylonian Empire was founded by Hammurabi in 1763 B.C.E. In 1595 B.C.E., the Babylonian Empire fell to a Hittite invasion. In 612 B.C.E., the Babylonian Empire was revived after the city of Nineveh was sacked to the ground. In 539 B.C.E., it was invaded by the Persians and ceased to exist as a empire (with a brief time of independence from 522-520 B.C.E.).

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What span of time did mesopotamia exist?

2,500,000-8,000 bc

What continent is the hanging gardens of Babylon o?

The ancient Babylon city was unearthed in modern day Iraq.