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Q: Which factor contributed most to the increased importance of literature in American culture during the 19th century?
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Christianity, particularly Puritanism, played a significant role in shaping early American literature and culture. Native American spirituality and the beliefs of African slaves also influenced the development of literature and culture in America. Additionally, the Enlightenment ideals of reason and individualism had an impact on American thought and writing.

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The sentence is a declarative sentence presenting a statement of fact. It expresses the idea that William and Henry James made significant contributions to American philosophy and literature.

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Miguel A. Cabanas has written: 'The cultural \\' -- subject(s): American and Latin American, American literature, Comparative Literature, History and criticism, Latin American and American, Literature, Comparative, National characteristics, American, in literature, National characteristics, Latin American, in literature, Other (Philosophy) in literature, Spanish American literature, Travelers' writings, American, Travelers' writings, Spanish American

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Some early American writers include Nathaniel Hawthorne, Washington Irving, Edgar Allan Poe, and Ralph Waldo Emerson. These writers contributed significantly to American literature during the 18th and 19th centuries.

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What is one characteristic of the new canon in American literature?

One characteristic of the new canon in American literature is a focus on diverse voices and perspectives, including those of marginalized groups such as BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and disabled writers. This shift reflects a broader recognition of the importance of representation and inclusivity in storytelling.

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Robert Henry Moser has written: 'Luso-American literature' -- subject(s): Emigration and immigration in literature, Immigrants' writings, Portuguese American, Brazilian American literature, Luso American authors, Cape Verdean Americans, American literature, Portuguese American literature

Give an example of native american literature?

Native American literature, also called Indian literature or American Indian literature, the traditional oral and written literatures of the indigenous peoples.