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its size.

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Q: Which factor determines how fast a butterfly is moving?
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What factor determine how fast a butterfly is moving?

its frame of reference

What weather Factor determines how fast winds blow?

I have no idea

What determines the state of matter in an object?

The state of matter in an object is determined by the balance between the intermolecular forces of attraction and the thermal energy of the particles within the object. When thermal energy overcomes the intermolecular forces, the object transitions from solid to liquid to gas. The state of matter can also be influenced by factors like pressure and temperature.

Which factor determines what resources are considered nonrenewable?

Whether they can be replaced as fast as they are used

What determines if air mass contains warm or cold air?

How fast the air particles are moving

The most important factor that determines the rate of weathering are type of rock and?

climate. Climate, particularly temperature and precipitation, can greatly influence the rate of weathering by affecting the intensity of physical and chemical processes. The type of rock also plays a crucial role, as rocks with varying mineral compositions and structures will weather at different rates due to their susceptibility to erosion and chemical reactions.

What does the strength of the wave depend on?

One factor of course would be how fast the wave is moving.

What does the Strength of a wave depend on?

One factor of course would be how fast the wave is moving.

Are dingoes fast moving or slow moving?

fast moving

What carries more sediments a fast moving or a slow moving water?

Fast moving water.

Is jackals a fast moving or a slow moving?


What determines how fast or slow a sound wave is moving?

The density of the medium through which it is travelling: for example, about 343m/s in air; almost 1500m/s in sea-water.