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Q: Which figure is not a solid a cone a cube a sphere a cirle?
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What solid figure has no bases and one curved surface?

For example, a sphere or an ellipsoid.

Solid figure with one circular surface?

A sphere or maybe a cone

What solid figure is a bongo I think a cone?

I think a sphere I am thinking it is a cylinder.

Is cone a solid figure or plane figure?

A solid figure.

Which solid figure has only one face?

cone +++ A sphere or other full solid of revolution generated about either axis where the curve meets that axis in 2 places, and those intercepts are the solid's poles. (A cone has 2 faces)

Is a cone a sphere?

No a sphere is a solid with no vortexes, faces, or edges while a cone has two faces, one vortex, and one edge.

Which Solid figure has 0 vertex and 1 flat surface?

This is an impossibility. If it is a solid figure then it will have more than 1 surface. If it has only 1surface and it is a solid, then it must be a sphere, but the surface of a sphere is not flat is it? By using the word 'solid' then by definition, it is three dimensional and has thickness. A cylinder has no vertices , but it has 2flat surfaces. A vertex is a point where three lines meet, such as on a pyramid, which has 4 vertices. Have I forgotten something or is this a 'trick' question?

What is a solid or hollow figure shaped like a cone?

cone that is my answer

A ice cream cone is an example of what solid geometrical figure?

A cone?

What are the names of a 3dimensional figure with a curved surface?

Sphere, cylinder and a cone

What 3 solid figures have curved surfaces?

sphere, cylinder, cone

What are the faces by which a solid figure is named?
