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Buoyant force is dependent on the density of the fluid. Since water is denser than air (by a lot), an object immersed in water will experience a much greater buoyant force than one surrounded entirely by air.

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2mo ago

Water produces a greater buoyancy force than air because water is denser than air. The buoyant force is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the object, so denser fluids displace more weight and thus exert a greater buoyant force.

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Q: Which fluid produces the greater buoyancy force - air or water?
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What does produces an upward force?

Buoyancy produces an upward force on an object immersed in a fluid, such as water or air. This force is equal to the weight of the fluid that the object displaces - known as Archimedes' principle.

How does mass affect buoyancy?

Mass affects buoyancy by determining the weight of an object that displaces a fluid. The greater the mass of an object, the more force it exerts on the fluid it displaces, resulting in greater buoyant force. This relationship between mass and buoyancy helps determine whether an object sinks or floats in a fluid.

Buoyancy exerted by a fluid is directly related to which property of the fluid?

Buoyancy is directly related to the density of the fluid. The more dense the fluid, the greater the buoyant force it exerts.

Which factor most influences buoyancy force?

The major factor that influences buoyancy force is the density of the fluid in which the object is submerged. The higher the density of the fluid, the greater the buoyancy force acting on the object. Additionally, the volume of the submerged object also plays a role in determining the buoyancy force.

What happens when gravitys force is greater than buoyancy?

When gravity's force is greater than buoyancy, an object will sink in a fluid. This is because the downward force of gravity exceeds the upward force of buoyancy, causing the object to be pulled down towards the center of the Earth.

When does an object have positive buoyancy?

An object has positive buoyancy when it weighs less than the fluid it displaces. This causes the object to float in the fluid, as the buoyant force pushing upward is greater than the force of gravity pulling downward. Objects with positive buoyancy will naturally rise to the surface of a fluid.

What is the force of flotability?

The force of buoyancy, also called the force of floatability, is the upward force exerted by a fluid that opposes the weight of an immersed object. It is determined by the weight of the displaced fluid. When the force of buoyancy is greater than the weight of the object, it floats.

Which factor most influences bouyancy force?

The two main factors that influence buoyancy force are the density of the fluid displaced and the volume of the displaced fluid. Specifically, the greater the density of the fluid and the larger the volume of fluid displaced by an object, the greater the buoyant force acting on the object.

Why when density increase buoyancy force increase?

When density increases, the buoyancy force increases because the difference in density between the object and the fluid it is immersed in also increases. This difference in density creates a greater upward force, which is the buoyant force. This is because as the object's density increases relative to the fluid, more fluid needs to be displaced to counteract the weight of the object, resulting in a greater buoyant force.

What are the rules of buoyancy?

Buoyancy is a force that opposes the weight of an object submerged in a fluid (liquid or gas). It is dependent on the density of the fluid and the volume of the object. An object will float if it is less dense than the fluid and will sink if it is more dense.

Does vacuum have buoyancy force?

No, vacuum does not have a buoyancy force because buoyancy is a result of differences in pressure within a fluid. In a vacuum, there is no fluid to exert pressure so there is no buoyant force.

Which fluid produces greater buoyancy air or water?

Water produces greater buoyancy than air because water is denser than air. This means that an object will displace more water and experience a greater buoyant force when submerged in water compared to when surrounded by air.