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I would say a magnetic field. When an electron enters a magnetic field that is oriented perpendicular to its path of travel it causes the electron to loop in a circle. While the speed stays the same the velocity is constantly changing due to the circular motion. Hence same speed but undergoing an acceleration.

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Q: Which force field can accelerate an electron but never change its speed?
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Why do electrons in a uniform magnetic field travel in a circular path?

It's because of how magnetic force is. The magnetic force is always perpendicular to both the magnetic field and the velocity of the electron, or any charged particle. If you draw x's on a piece of paper, representing the direction of the magnetic field into the paper, then draw a short vertical line up, representing the electron velocity, the magnetic force will be horizotal to the right. This causes the velocity to change direction a little toward the right. But now the force must change direction a little, etc., etc, until you get a circular path. BTW, you only get a circular path if the initial velocity is in the plane of the paper, perpendicular to the field. If the electron comes in at an angle from outside the paper the path will be a "screw" shape, circular and forward at the same time.

What must be applied to an object to change its motion or direction?

If an object is at rest, a force must be applied to accelerate it (start it moving).

An unbalanced force can cause an object to change its speed and or?

The object will speed up, slow down or change direction. An unbalanced force (net force) acting on an object changes its speed and/or direction of motion. ... If however, the forces are balanced (in equilibrium) and there is no net force, the object will not accelerate and the velocity will remain constant.

Which type of force can change the total momentum of a closed system?

Any external force applied on the system. Type of force ? ; from collision with another system, from a gravity field, gravity force. Depending on the system, from other field forces like electromagnetic force.

What will an object always do when acted on by an unbalanced force?

There's no such thing as "an unbalanced force". But when the entire group of forceson an object is unbalanced, then the object must accelerate.

Related questions

What effect does an electromagnetic field have on an electron?

An electromagnetic field can exert a force on an electron, causing it to accelerate or move in a specific direction. The direction and magnitude of the force depend on the strength and orientation of the electromagnetic field.

How does a free electron at rest move in an electric field?

A free electron at rest in an electric field will experience a force due to the field and will accelerate in the direction of the electric field. The electron will gain kinetic energy and start moving in the direction of the force until it reaches a velocity where the force due to the field is balanced by other forces acting on the electron.

What will be the effect on the motion of electron if it travels along the dirction of electric field?

If an electron moves in the direction of an electric field, it will experience an acceleration in the same direction as the field. This will cause the electron's motion to speed up. If the electron is already moving with a velocity in the direction of the electric field, it will continue to move with a constant velocity.

What effects does gravity have on planets?

The same effect as it has on any other object. The gravitational field produces a force; this force, acting on a planet, will accelerate it - that is, it will change its velocity.

A net force causes an object to?

Accelerate, motion is generated by applying force to mass.

What can an unbalanced force cause an object to do?

An unbalanced force can cause an object to accelerate in the direction of the force, change its speed, or change its direction of motion. This is in accordance with Newton's first law of motion.

What are three things a force can do to an object?

A force can cause the object to accelerate, change its shape, or change its direction of motion.

If the incident direction of an electron entering a magnetic field is?

If the incident direction of an electron entering a magnetic field is not parallel to the field lines, the electron will experience a force due to the magnetic field. This force will cause the electron to move in a curved path known as a helix. The radius of this helical path depends on the velocity and charge of the electron, as well as the strength of the magnetic field.

What effect does electric field have on a proton?

An electric field will exert a force on a proton due to its positive charge. The proton will experience a force in the direction of the electric field if the field is uniform, causing it to accelerate in that direction.

What will happen to an object that has unbalanced force acting on it?

If an object has an unbalanced force acting on it, it will accelerate in the direction of the greater force. The object will experience a change in velocity and will continue to accelerate as long as the force remains unbalanced.

Is balanced forced cannot accelerate an object true or false?

False. A balanced force does not accelerate an object, but an unbalanced force is required to change the motion of an object.

An electron is shot through a spot somewhere between the ends of a horseshoe magnet and then the electron?

The electron will experience a force due to the magnetic field of the horseshoe magnet. The force will cause the electron to follow a curved path due to the Lorentz force. The direction of the curvature will depend on the direction of the magnetic field and the velocity of the electron.