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Q: Which formed when an opaque object blocks the light?
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The area of darkness formed when an object blocks light is called a?

Its an opaque object.

What is formed when light is blocked by and opaque object?

A shadow is formed when light is blocked by an opaque object.

What dark area made by an object blocks out light?

The dark area formed by an object that blocks out light is called a shadow.

When light falls on an opaque object on the opposite side is formed a what?

A shadow , a portion where there is absence of light.

What is created when an object blocks the light?

If the light is strong enough, a shadow is formed. But if that object is a cloud, a rainbow may be formed.

What are shadow?

shadow is a black areashadow is formed when a opaque object is come in the path of lightWhen light passes through opaque object, some of it would be blocked and form a shaedow.The shadow is formed according to the shape of the object as light moves in straight line.When light source is blocked by an opaque /translucent object a black spot is formed on the opposite side of the light source ...that black spot is called shadow.CHARACTERISTICS OF SHADOWS?black in colour .?outline of structure of the object.?size depends upon the light source and the object.?always forms on the opposite side of the light source .

What are the Conditions For Shadow formation?

Shadows are formed when an opaque object comes in the path of light

What are the conditions necessary for shadow formation?

Shadows are formed when an opaque object comes in the path of light

When light is bounced off an object it cannot pass through it is?

There are many objects that no light can pass through, although of course, it depends on what type of light you're talking about. The name of the type of object that visible light cannot pass through is called opaque.

How shadows are formed?

A shadow is formed when an opaque object blocks the travel of light on a second object. Light travels in straight lines and any barrier along its path averts the rays striking the barrier.This forms a region of darkness, shaped like the surface of the object obstructing the light. A shadow takes up all the space behind the object with light before it. Its cross-section is a two-dimensional outline of the obstructing object. The shadow is smaller if the angle between an object and the path of light is nearer to 90°. It is longer if the angle between the surface and the path of light is smaller. If the obstructing object is closer to the starting point of light, the shadow is larger.

What do you call something that blocks light?

OPAQUE is the word that describes an object or substance that blocks light (or other energy form). TRANSLUCENT describes objects that allow transmission of light, but scatter it from the original form or direction. TRANSPARENT describes objects that allow the passage of light, usually optically clear substances such as glass.

What is formed when an object which does not allow light to pass through is in the path of light?

Depends on the surface of the object that the light is projected on. If the object has a polished surface like an inoxidable steel, or the object is a mirror, the light will produce a reflexion or the light comes back when it hits the mirror. Behind any object, is formed a shadow, since such object is not a glass.