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The composition of Jupiter and Saturn are mostly helium and hydrogen with trace amounts of hydrogen compounds such as methane, ammonia and water. Neptune and Uranus consist mostly of methane, ammonia and water, with small amounts of elemental hydrogen and helium. Jupiter is thought to have no definite core, while Saturn is thought to have a dense core of iron, nickel, silicon and oxygen compounds. Neptune is thought to have a core of molten rock (as well as water, hydrogen, helium, ammonia, and methane). Uranus is thought to have a core similar to Saturn's.

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Art Kshlerin

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2y ago
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6mo ago

The outer planets primarily consist of gases such as hydrogen and helium. These gases are lighter and less dense compared to the solid and rocky composition of the inner planets. Additionally, the outer planets may contain traces of other gases, such as methane, ammonia, and water vapor.

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How do the inner planets diffrer from the outer planets?

the inner planets made up of rocks while the outer planets are made up of gases and liquids.

The outer planets are made up of what gases?

The outer planets are made up of mostly hydrogen and helium, with small amounts of water, ammonia and methane. The outer planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

Are the inner and outer planets different?

The inner planets are all rocky planets. The outer planets are completely made up of gases. The inner planets are much smaller than the outer planets.

What is common to all of the outer planets?

they are not heavy because they are all made up of gases

The outer planets Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune are made up of which gases?

hydrogen and helium

What are outer planets made off?

I think you mean of? Anyways if so, they are made up of gases. Only the outer planets are able to have gases because its cool enough there. Inner planets get more sun so its too warm for gas planets in the inner part. Hope this helped.

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Large; cold; made up mainly of gases; mainly hydrogen and helium.

What are large planets called gas or terrestrial?

large planets are called the outer planets or the JOVIAN PLANETS which are made up of gases and viscous liquids... terrestrial planets are the inner planets! inner planets- MERCURY VENUS EARTH MARS outer planets- JUPITER SATURN URANUS NEPTUNE

What is the difference between terrestial planets and outer planets?

terrestrial are planets that are the inner planets since there are made up of rock. but on the other hand. the outer planets are the gas giants. or the outer planets. they are made up of various gasses.

What are the two main gases that make up the inner and outer planets?

Hydrogen and Helium.

What divides the inner and outer plantes?

Inner planets are made of rocky materials and metals, while the outer planets are made up of gases (Hydrogen and Helium) and are referred to as "Gas Giants". Pluto is the only outer planet that does not follow these characteristics. Pluto was deemed not a full-fledged planet recently.

Why is the nickname for the outer planets gas giant?

They are all made up of gases. The outer planets are nicknamed "gas giants" because they are massive object rotating around the sun that are essentially huge balls of gas with dense metal cores:)