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Q: Which goddess helped Odysseus come home?
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Who are Greek goddess Athena's allies and enemies?

One of Athena's allies is Odysseus, a hero who she helped a lot during his journey home in the Odessy.

What gods helped Odysseus in book 9?

In book 9 of the Odyssey, Odysseus is helped by Zeus, who sends a storm to punish the men who harmed Odysseus. The goddess Athena assists Odysseus by providing him with guidance and disguising him to protect him from danger. Attendees also receive aid from the wind god Aeolus, who gives Odysseus a bag of winds to help him on his journey home.

What goddess pities Odysseus?

Athena is generally the goddess who pities Odysseus, and pleads with the Gods to send him home. Calypso also pities Odysseus when she finds him washed up on her shores, and she nurses Odysseus back to health.

Who keeps Odysseus from getting home in the Odyssey?

Calypso; sea goddess who loved Odysseus and detained him in the ocean.

How did Zeus help Odysseus in his journey home?

Zeus was not a great help for Odysseus in his journey home, at least according to Homer's The Odyssey. It was mainly Athena, his patron goddess, who helped him the most along the way, including warning him of future dangers and quelling the wrath of Posiedon.

Why does Athena want to help Odysseus get back home in the Odyssey?

Athena is the goddess of war and Odysseus was in the war. It is her responsibility to help him.

What goddess helps odysseU s and what does she do?

The goddess of flashing eyes Athena, assists Odysseus on his trips and has a habit of showing up randomly to help him. for example Athena distracts Penlope when Odysseus returns home.

How does circe know who Odysseus is?

Circe knows who Odysseus is because she is a goddess-enchantress. She has the gift of fore sight and sees who Odysseus is right away. She also give Odysseus prophesies that help him reach home.

What is interesting about Athena?

Athena is a very powerful goddess. She is the goddess of wisdom and she is know as the the goddess you helped Odysess on his travel home.

How long did it take Odysseus to return home?

It takes Odysseus 20 years to return home after he left Ithaca for the war.It takes Odysseus 10 years to return home after the 10 year long Trojan war.During these 10 years, Odysseus spent a year with the sorceress Circe. Odysseus was trapped with the Nymph Goddess Calypso for 7 years.

What goddess does Odysseus make love too?

Odysseus makes love to the goddess Circe in Homer's "The Odyssey." She is known for her cunning and magical abilities.

How does Poseidon show his displeasure with the Phaicians when he discovers that they have helped Odysseus return home?

He waits till the ship that brought Odysseus home is in eyesight of the Phaeacian Island and turns it into stone.