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The geocentric model, also known as the Ptolemaic system, is a theory that was developed by philosophers in Ancient Greece and was named after the in science and technology, the geocentric model seems preposterous.

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Q: Which greek scientist devised the qeocentric model?
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What greek astronomer devised a geocentric model used for thousand of years to predict planetary behavoir?

He was called Ptolemy and the system was called the Ptolemaic system.

What did the Greek scientist Aristarchus develope?

He developed a better geocentric model than the one that was made before it

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The heliocentric model was devised by Copernicus.

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It was the model devised by Copernicus.

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How was Ptolemy model different from the earlier greek model?

Ptolemy's model is different from the earlier Greek model because Ptolemy developed a compllex geocentric model of the universe and his model seemed to explain motions until the 1500s.The early Greek astronomers believed that Earth was the center of the universe.

How was ptolemys model different from the earlier greek model?

Ptolemy's model is different from the earlier Greek model because Ptolemy developed a compllex geocentric model of the universe and his model seemed to explain motions until the 1500s.The early Greek astronomers believed that Earth was the center of the universe.

What can a scientist do to represent a system or object?

- Use a model :)

When scientist create a representation of a complex process it is a what?

A model.