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Group 18 elements, which are also known as noble gases, rarely form chemical compounds.

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13y ago

The Noble gases. Group 8A.

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Q: Which group in the periodic table contains elements that do no react easily to form chemical compounds?
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What are chemical compounds on the periodic table?

There are no compounds on the periodic table. The periodic table only lists elements.

Which can be found on a periodic table elements compounds or mixtures?

Elements are found on periodic table. Compounds are not present on periodic table. The table does not contains mixture.Elements can be found on a periodic table. Compounds can be made by bonding two or more elements. But they are not depicted on the periodic table.

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Periodic table contain only chemical elements not compounds.

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I suppose that you think to chemical elements, not to compounds. Dimitri Mendeleev is credited for the creation of the periodic table of elements.

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NH3 is the chemical formula of the compound ammonia. The periodic table lists elements and not compounds.

Is sodium bicarbonate in the periodic table?

no. sodium bicarbonate is a compound. periodic table contains only elements, not compounds

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H stands for the element hydrogen. H2 is hydrogen molecule and is not listed on the periodic table.

What is a compound in a periodic table?

182 I don't think there are compounds in the periodic table. As far as I know the periodic table contains only elements, compounds are formed by ionic/covalent bonding which is another story already.

Which families on a periodic table that contains elements that will not form compounds?

Noble gases or group 18

Which group on the Periodic Table of the Elements contains elements that react with oxygen to form compounds with the general formula X2O?

group 1 elements.

What compounds do aluminum have on the periodic table?

There are NO compounds on the periodic table of elements.

Are compounds listed in the periodic table?

No. Only pure elements are listed in the periodic table of elements.