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Noble gasses rarely form compounds. They are in the 18th period. He, Ne, Kr are few examples.

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Q: Which group of elements rarely forms compounds?
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Which group in the periodic table contains elements that do no react easily to form chemical compounds?

Group 18 elements, which are also known as noble gases, rarely form chemical compounds.

Why do the nonmetals in group 18 rarely react with other elements to form compounds?

They are the noble gases whose outermost (valency) orbitals are full.

What is produced when group 1 elements react with nonmetal elements?

Usually salts, from the metallic elements in group 1. However, note that hydrogen is also in group 1 and can not form salts, although it forms many other kinds of compounds.

Do elements in group 8 readily or rarely form ions?

Group 8 rarely forms ions since it has steal/lose more electrons to follow the octet rule (having eight valence electrons).

Are all elements in group 0 unreactive?

no under special conditions xenon forms compounds such as XeF2, XeF4, XeOF4 , XeF6 etc

The elements from which group are necessary to form halide compounds?

group 17

What are some charcteristics of element in group 18?

They are the noble gases. They have 8 valence electrons, so that means that they are stable, and they rarely make bonds with any other elements or compounds.

What are general properties of the elements in the group to the right in the Modern Periodic Table?

Group 18 is the group farthest to the right on the periodic table. The elements in group 18 are also known as the noble gases. Noble gases are gases at standard temperature and pressure. Also, since they have their full complement of valence electrons they rarely make compounds with themselves or other elements.

What is a group of elements that rarely combine with other elements because they already have eight electrons in their outer shells?

A group of elements that rarely combine with other elements because they already have eight electrons in the outer shells is a Noble Gas

What group on the periodic table are alkaloids found?

Periodic table contains list of elements and not compounds. Alkaloids are a group of naturally occurring chemical compounds that contain mostly basic nitrogen atoms. In addition to carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen, alkaloids may also contain oxygen, sulfur and more rarely other elements such as chlorine, bromine, and phosphorus.

Which group on the Periodic Table of the Elements contains elements that react with oxygen to form compounds with the general formula X2O?

group 1 elements.

What group of elements are generally from colored compounds?

The transition metals tend to form colored compounds.