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Germanic invasions began in the 400s

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Q: Which groups invaded the Western Roman Empire?
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What group invaded the roman empire?

There were various groups that invaded the Roman empire among them were the Ostrogoths ad the Lombards. These groups were pushed into the weakened Roman empire by the Huns who also invaded Italy.

Who ruined the western roman empire?

Mostly the Germanians (Barbarians) that invaded it.

What tribe invaded the Western Roman Empire and caused it to fall?

The Goths.

What tribe invaded the roman empire?

barbarians invaded the Roman Empire

Who were the people that invaede rome?

Germanic tribes are the people who invaded the Western Roman Empire.

What uncivilized tribe invaded the roman empire?

barbarians invaded the roman empire

Who divide the Rome empires?

No one divided the Roman Empire. There was only one Roman Empire. Western and Eastern Roman Empire are terms which have been coined by historians. The Romans did not use them. The eastern and western parts of the Roman empire lost cohesion when the later was invaded by the Germanic peoples.

Who got attacked by Germanic invaders?

The Germanic peoples invaded the western part of the Roman Empire.

How did barbarians take the western empire?

Barbarian was a derogatory term for foreigners. More specifically, several Germanic peoples invaded the western part of the Roman Empire.

Which of the following groups took control of Roman lands as the Western Roman Empire collapsed?


What group of people played a large role in the final demise of the Roman Empire?

The groups which precipitated process of the fall of the western part of the Roman Empire (the eastern part continued to exist for nearly another 1,000 years) where the Vandals, Sueves, and Alans who invaded Gaul and moved on to Spain and north-western Africa, and the Burgundians who settled in northern Gaul.

Where did the barbarian who invaded the roman empire come from?

The western part of the Roman Empire was invaded by Germanic peoples from central Europe and southern Germany. Britain's invaders were from northern Germany and the north of the Netherlands. The eastern part of the Roman Empire were not affected by these invasions and continued to exist for nearly 1,000 years