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Q: Which has a greater density a bowling ball or beach ball?
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What object has greater density a balloon or a bowling ball?

There's going to be a greater density in the bowling ball, because its ALOT heavier and isn't hallow like the balloon.

If soccer ball and a bowling ball are about the same size why does the bowling ball have more mass?

The bowling ball is denser than the soccer ball, meaning it has more mass packed into the same volume. This is due to the material and construction of the bowling ball, which is designed to weigh more for the sport it is used in.

What has more density a bowling bowl or a box?

A bowling ball.

What makes a bowling ball harder to stop than a soccer ball when they are both traveling at the same speed?

The bowling ball is harder to stop because it has a greater mass, and therefore a greater momentum. But the answer is that the bowling ball has a greater mass.

Does the larger item always have the greater mass?

No. If the density of the item is less, the mass may be less, even if the object is larger. Cannon ball and a beach ball. Low density beach ball has far less mass than the VERY dense cannon ball, even though the beach ball is larger.

Which object has the greatest inertia A. a tennis ball B a bowling ball C a beach ball or D a volley ball?

B. A bowling ball has the greatest inertia because it has the most mass compared to the other objects listed. Inertia is directly related to an object's mass, with greater mass resulting in greater inertia.

Which has more inertia a bowling ball or beach ball?

A bowling ball has more inertia than a beach ball. Inertia is the resistance of an object to change its state of motion, and it is directly related to an object's mass. Since a bowling ball is heavier and has more mass than a beach ball, it has more inertia.

Which has more volume a bowling ball or beach ball?

Most likely the bowling ball. According to the laws of physics, an object with more inertia accelerates slower but is harder to stop. The bowling ball accelerates ...

Why does a hot air balloon rise when the air is heated?

the heated air inside of the balloon has less density than the cold outside air so the hot air is more buoyant (e.g. the bowling ball sinks but the beach ball floats because the density of the beach ball is less than the water)

How do you measure density of bowling ball?

Float the ball in water and calculate the displacement.

If a bowling ball and a soccer ball are rolling along the ground at the same speed the bowling ball has more of this because its mass is greater?

The bowling ball has more momentum because momentum is directly proportional to an object's mass and velocity. Since the two balls are moving at the same speed, the greater mass of the bowling ball results in it having more momentum.

What ball has a greater density softball or soccer ball?

Because a soccer ball is made of "polished" pieces of fabric sown together and a bowling ball is made of Urethane, which is optimized ceramic material which has been partially hollowed and a core has been placed in the middle, I would say bowling ball.