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Visible light has shorter wavelengths than microwaves. Microwaves, which might be considered the highest energy radio waves, have a longer wavelength (and a lower frequency) than visible light.

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1d ago

Visible light has higher frequencies than microwaves. Microwaves have longer wavelengths and lower frequencies compared to visible light.

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14y ago

Visible light has a higher frequency than microwaves, therefore a photon of visible light has more energy than a photon of microwave.

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14y ago

Gamma rays have a much higher frequency, and therefore energy.

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12y ago

Visible light has higher frequency / longer wavelength than microwaves.

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11y ago

visible lights. Microwave waves are one of the lowest wave frequencies

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10y ago

Light waves vibrate faster (have a higher frequency) than microwaves do.

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Q: Which has higher frequencies microwaves or visible lights?
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Do radio waves microwaves and ultraviolet waves all have longer wavelengths than visible lights?

Radio and microwaves are longer than visible light. So are heat (infrared) waves. Ultraviolet waves are shorter than visible light. So are X-rays and gamma rays.

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What is Ultraviolet lights?

Ultraviolet light (UV light) is light of shorter wavelength than the visible spectrum. Many insects, like bees, see mostly UV light so they can find plants with nectar. Sunlight contains UV light and can tan but also damage your skin if you stay outside too long on a sunny day.Answer:Visible light is electromagnet radiation of different frequencies. The different frequencies are the different colors. Just outside the range of frequencies (colors) humans can see are infrared and ultraviolet. Ultraviolet is higher frequency and infrared is lower.Note: Higher frequencies are shorter wavelengths and lower frequencies are longer wavelengths.Visible light is electromagnet radiation of different frequencies. The different frequencies are the different colors. Just outside the range of frequencies (colors) humans can see are infrared and ultraviolet. Ultraviolet is higher and infrared is lower

What Countries are the Northern Lights located in?

The Northern Lights occur in space, and are visible from many countries north of the Equator: the farther north, the higher your chances of seeing them.

How do wavelengths of visible lights relate to energy?

The shorter the wavelength (blue rather than red), the higher the energy.

Why use microwaves instead of visible light?

-- We have no technology that can generate visible light at power levels that are easy to generate in the microwave. -- Visible light won't warm up a leftover chunk of meatloaf. -- For telecom applications, microwaves sail right on through atmospheric conditions that scatter, diffuse, and absorb visible light. But your question doesn't mention what uses you're thinking of, and visible light certainly has its place. For example, microwave traffic lights at intersections would not work out too well. Neither would a microwave chandelier hanging over your dining-room table.

Why aren't black lights black?

Black as a color would absorb all visible frequencies of light. A "black light" is not actually black, but rather emits most of its light in the ultraviolet frequencies. This light is invisible to our eyes except that it interacts with certain materials that fluoresce (glow in the dark) when they absorb UV light. These lights are also used for indoor plants that need UV light to grow.

What happens to cosmic microwaves when they meet big water droplets in the air?

you get the northern lights

Are the Northern Lights visible in Russia?


What are the northen lights in Antarctica called?

There are no northern lights in Antarctica. However, the southern lights -- Aurora Australis -- are visible from the continent.

What lights are similar to fluorescent lights except that the electron and gas collisions give off visible light?

Neon lights.

Where are the northern lights visible from?

they are mostly visible in the Northern Hemisphere, especially in Northern Canada, Norway and Russia