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Q: Which human action has interrupted the flow of energy between plants and animals?
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What human action has interrupted the flow of energy between plants and animal?


What human action has interfered the flow of energy between plants and animals?


How does a nerve cell make energy?

The part of the cell that produces energy varies between plants and animals. In plants, the energy producing part of the cell occurs in the chloroplast of the plant. In animals, the mitochondria produces the cells energy.

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Food and energy links between plants and animals in an eco system?

For every plant an animals eats they get 10% of the plants oringanal energy. That goes on when that animal gets eaten the other animal get 10% of that animals energy this was found out about in school

What can be said of the relationship between the use of an enzyme and the energy of the reaction?

anzyme just take apart in action and makes action faster.

How is energy transfered between organisms?

Energy transfers between organisms by making a animal eat a plant which gets it energy so then other animals eat that energy having animal. So that's how energy is transferred between organisms.

How do animals get their energy from electricity?

animals and electrical energy

Energy is lost at each stage of food chain howq?

Before the energy is transferred between animals, some energy is used to travel between distances and to keep the animal alive, therefore not all of the starting energy is gained by the consumer.

How does food chain show the relationship between plants and animals?

1. it tells you what animals are prey and what animals are predators also tells you what animals are considered prey to another predator.

Which action doesnot save the energy in your home?

Leaving lights on in only thr rooms you are moving between.

What is the Complex interaction between plants and animals?

plants are the main food producers in a food chain and animals can get their energy from plants directly or indirectly.