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Q: Which ideology would a Communist most directly oppose?
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What ideology would a communists directly oppose?


Which ideology would capitalist most directly oppose?

Communism often, as it is completely different from capitalist ideology. In Communism everybody has a fair share, whilst in capitalist society most of the wealth goes to a minority.

How you would have reacted to Hitler's ideology?

I would have opposed it, at least passively, and actively if I were able, as much as possible. I oppose any ideology which tries to dictate the way I think.

It was felt that a stronger Germany would prevent this to the west?

Communist ideology .

What members of society would strongly oppose Karl Marx ideology?

Members of the capitalist class, wealthy business owners, and individuals benefiting from the current socioeconomic system would strongly oppose Karl Marx's ideology. They would resist efforts to redistribute wealth and power, as it would threaten their position and influence in society.

What is the opposite of communist manifesto?

The opposite of the Communist Manifesto would likely be a text or ideology promoting capitalism or individual ownership of the means of production. Capitalist Manifesto could be considered as providing a contrasting perspective to the Communist Manifesto.

Which ideology would most directly opposed?

Communism often, as it is completely different from capitalist ideology. In Communism everybody has a fair share, whilst in capitalist society most of the wealth goes to a minority.

What does the Vietnam war and the Korean war have in common?

Both the Korean and the Vietnam Wars were fought because of the Domino Theory. It was thought that if one country became communist, nearby nations would fall under that ideology too.

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Was Jesus a communist?

No. Agreed. There are numerous indications that Jesus would reject Communist ideology. For one thing, a Communist is by definition an atheist. Also, Jesus did not preach against the ownership of individual property. Communism is really a modern idea, but in ancient times the Greek philosopher Plato was much closer to being a Communist than Jesus, although Plato still acknowledged the existence of a higher power.

What type of ideology did the Soviet Union Follow?

Ideology was the underlying reason for East-West tensions during the Cold War. When the Soviet Union and the U.S.A. emerged from WWII as the worlds most powerful nations, it was inevitable that their conflicting government ideologies of capitalism and communism would lead to hostility. Therefore, although not always directly involved, it put both countries on a collision course and provided them with reason for sustained suspicion, even during periods of detente.

What does the Korean War and Vietnam war have in common?

Both the Korean and the Vietnam Wars were fought because of the Domino Theory. It was thought that if one country became communist, nearby nations would fall under that ideology too.