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I think it is Venus or Earth.

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Q: Which inner planet has enough gravity to hold on to most gases?
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What inner planet or planet has enough gravity to hold on to most grasses?

Earth & Venus.

What are the gases that surrond a planet?

the inner outer atomosphere

What reasondid the inner planets not collect gas like the goants did?

The inner planets are closer to the sun, so they are warmer. That means that the gas molecules haVe enough energy to escape the gravitational field of the planet. Jupiter is made mostly of hydrogen gas which is very light, but it is also very cold, so the molecules don't move around very fast and cannot escape the gravity of Jupiter. The other gas planets are even colder. If you look at the gases that ARE on the inner planets, you will find that they are generally heavier, like nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide so their molecules cannot gain enough speed to escape the gravity of the planet.

Comparative essay on the inner planet vs the outer planet?

The inner: small, few moons, made of rock and metal the outer: large, lots of moons, made of gases

Is mars the inner planet or the outer planet?

inner planet

Is planet mercury a inner planet or outter?

inner planet.

Is Mars made of gases?

Mars is an inner terrestrial rocky planet. Though there is an atmosphere is is very thin compare to the earths.

Why are the outer planets colder than the inner planet?

because they not close enough to sun

Is mars an inner planet or a outer planet?

Mars is an inner planet, as is Mercury, Venus, and Earth.

Is mars an inner planet or outter planet?

Mars is an inner planet.

Is Jupiter a inner planet is Saturn a inner planet is uranes a inner planet is neptuen an inner planet?

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune is not inner planets. They are all outer planets.

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