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Phishing is a common social engineering attempt that uses emails or websites to deceive users into revealing personal information such as passwords, credit card numbers, or social security numbers. The attackers often masquerade as trustworthy entities to trick victims into clicking on malicious links or providing sensitive information.

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Q: Which is a social engineering attempt that uses email or websites to trick users into disclosing personal information?
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What attack type is most often associated with the use of social engineering?

Phishing is the attack type most often associated with the use of social engineering. It involves tricking individuals into providing sensitive information or taking actions that compromise security, often through deceptive emails or websites.

What questions are unsuitable to ask on WikiAnswers?

Questions that are inappropriate, offensive, irrelevant, or illegal are unsuitable to ask on WikiAnswers. Additionally, questions that infringe on privacy, promote discrimination, or solicit personal information are not allowed on the platform.

Where can one find information on health psychology?

You can find information on health psychology from reputable sources such as the American Psychological Association (APA) website, academic journals specializing in health psychology, textbooks on the subject, and websites of universities that offer programs in health psychology. It's important to ensure that the information comes from credible and reputable sources to ensure accuracy and reliability.

Where can one find more information about psychology degrees?

Information concerning psychology degrees can be obtained from the academic institution providing the degree. This will give an overview of what the degree covers which can then be compared to those offered by other institutions. Career planning websites might also offer a viable alternative for finding such information.

Where can one find information about Psychology test?

You can find information about psychology tests in academic journals, books, psychological assessment websites, and through professional organizations such as the American Psychological Association (APA). It is important to ensure that the information comes from reputable sources and is based on established research and practices in psychology.

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Yes there are websites that provide information on personal software testing. Some of these websites are 'Software-Testing', 'Wikipedia' and 'Software Testing Fundamentals'.

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There are many websites that will assist you with finding a marine engineering jobs, this website will give you additional information:

Phishing is a high-tech scam that uses email or websites to deceive you into disclosing your?

credit card numbers, bank account information, Social Security Number.

Phishing is a high-tech scam that uses email or websites to deceive you into disclosing your .?

credit card numbers, bank account information, Social Security Number.

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Your information is safe. Check the websites security policy for more information.

What do chemical engineering companies do?

Information and description about chemical engineering companies can be found on the internet on specific websites. One can get more information regarding chemical engineering companies by searching from other relevant sources. Alternatively, one can also consult a person with some knowledge in this matter to get detailed information.

Where online could one go to find information about the funding of a personal injury claim?

You can search for information about funding personal injury claims on websites of law firms specializing in personal injury cases, legal advice websites, or legal directories. Additionally, you may find relevant information on legal resource websites, forums, and articles from legal experts.

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Wikipedia is a great website that offers a ton of information on the history of personal computers. There are many other websites that include information about personal computers also.

Where can I find more information about personal diet plans?

Setting up a personal diet plan can be simple. You just need the right information to do this. There are lots of websites that offer this information.

Where can one find information on a personal breakdown cover?

Websites such as Money Saving Expert, Aviva, Green Flag and the RAC website offer information about personal breakdown cover plans and what they are used for. Several of these websites also offer a range of options to suit personal assistance needs.