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changing the color of a character's dress

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10y ago
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14y ago

Local revision is on a smaller, sentence-level scale.

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Wiki User

9y ago

When doing local revisions, you are looking for errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, tone, diction, and tense.

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Wiki User

12y ago

Looking for errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, tone, diction, and tense

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Wiki User

8y ago

looking for grammar errors, tense, punctuation, spelling, tone, and diction

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Kayln Whitefield

Lvl 5
2y ago

changing a specific word

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Madison Rangel

Lvl 2
3y ago

Taking out an awkward phrase

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Taylor Fink

Lvl 3
3y ago

adding a word to the end of a sentence

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Jarred Buss

Lvl 5
1y ago

grammar i thing

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Lvl 1
4y ago

Adjusting the sound of a phrase-apex

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lexi murphy

Lvl 1
3y ago
thank you

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What is the difference between a local and a global revision?

A local revision focuses on specific words, phrases, and sentences; a global revision addresses larger aspects of the work.

What best explains the difference between a local and a global revision?

A local revision focuses on word choice and language; a global revision addresses organization and other larger elements.

What is local revision?

Local revision is going through and checking grammar, punctuaction, diction, consistency of tone, and typing errors in your sentences.

How is local revision diffrent from global revision?

Local revision involves making changes to a specific portion of a document or code without affecting the entire document, while global revision involves making changes that impact the entire document or code. Local revision is usually more focused and targeted, allowing for smaller scale edits, whereas global revision involves broader modifications that can affect multiple sections.

Which of the follwong is not a part of the local revision process?


Neither global revision nor local revision encourages you to do what?

Neither global revision nor local revision encourages you to ignore feedback or critiques. Both processes aim to improve the quality of your writing by helping you refine and clarify your ideas.

Which of the-following is something to look for during local revision?


What is the difference between local and global revision?

that they are not the same thing

Why of the following is not a part of local revision process?

Peer review is typically not a part of the local revision process. Local revision focuses on the writer's own review and editing of their work before seeking feedback from others. Peer review, on the other hand, involves receiving feedback from classmates, colleagues, or experts in the field.

Neither global revision nor local revision encourages you to:?

review the flow of ideas and make sure you followed your outline exactly.

Neither global revision nor local revision encourages you to?

review the flow of ideas and make sure you followed your outline exactly.

What should you focus on while doing a local revision?

all of the above