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Q: Which is associated with weak light rays that travel in different directions?
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Which is associated with light rays that travel in different directions?


Which is associated with weak light rays that travel in the different directions?

Scattering is associated with weak light rays that travel in different directions. This phenomenon occurs when light interacts with particles or medium that causes it to deviate from a straight path, resulting in the light being diffused in various directions.

How many different directions can a single ray of light travel in?

A single ray of light can travel in infinitely many different directions.

What is associated with weak light rays that travel in different direction?


Photons travel outward from a light source in?

the photons travel outward from a light source in all directions.

What is it called when light waves traveling in one direction are made to travel in many different directions?

When light waves traveling in one direction are made to travel in many different directions, it is called light scattering. This can occur when light interacts with particles or objects and is redirected in multiple directions.

Photons travel outward from a light bulb in?

Photons travel outward from a light bulb in all directions

Do different liquids refract light differently?

Yes, different liquids have different refractive indices, which means they can bend light differently. This causes light to travel at different speeds and directions when passing through different liquids.

How do photons travel from a light bulb?

Photons travel outward from a light bulb in all directions.

How do photons travel outward from a light bulb?

Photons travel outward from a light bulb in all directions due to their wave-particle duality. As the light bulb emits electromagnetic radiation, photons are released and propagate in a straight line until they interact with surfaces or particles. The photons then transfer their energy to these surfaces, allowing us to see the light emitted from the bulb.

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How do different kinds of materials affect the behavior of light?

Sound and light are both forms of energy that is carried from one place to another.they travel in all directions from the source.