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The team that favors the resolution is the affirmative team.

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Q: Which is best describes the affirmative team in a debate?
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What best describes the affirmative team in debate?

The team that favors the resolution is the affirmative team.

What describes the affirmative team in a debate?

The team that supports the resolution

In a debate the team that supports the resolution is the?

affirmative team

Who supports the resolution in a debate?

the affirmative team.

Who supports the resolution in debate?

the affirmative team.

Who supports resolution in a debate?

the affirmative team.

In a courtroom who is most similar to the affirmative team in a debate?

In a courtroom, the prosecution is most similar to the affirmative team in a debate. They both present arguments and evidence to prove their case or point of view.

How many in a debate team?

there are 4 people in a debating teamMore specifically two on each team; two on an affirmative and two on a negative; if you debate in policy debate. If you are debating in a Lincoln-Douglas Debate then there is only one person on the affirmative and one person on the negative.

In classical debate the affirmative constructive speech is?

In classical debate, the affirmative constructive speech is the first speech given by the team advocating for the resolution. It typically presents the team's arguments and sets the foundation for their case.

In debating does the negative team have to define the meaning of topic?

The negative team does not necessarily have to define the meaning of the topic. In a debate, both sides present arguments and analysis based on their own interpretation of the topic. The negative team's role is to challenge the affirmative team's arguments and present counterarguments, rather than provide their own definition of the topic.

How do you be a third speaker in a debate?

Third speaker of affirmative:1. Speaks after second Negative.2. Concludes argument of Affirmative team.3. Rebuts arguements of second Negative and whole Negative team.4. Summarises whole argument of Affirmative team.Third speaker of negative:1. Speaks after third affirmative.2. Stresses main points of negative argument. (Cannot raise any new points)3. Rebuts arguements of third affirmative, and whole affirmative team.4. Summarises whole argument of Negative team.I hope this helps (-:

How do you write a first speaker debate speech?

Affirmative (for):define the topicpresent the affirmative team's lineoutline briefly what each speaker in their team will talk aboutpresent the first half of the affirmative caseNegative (against):accept or reject the definition. If you don't do this it is assumed that you accept the definition.present the negative team lineoutline briefly what each of the negative speakers will say.rebut a few of the main points of the first affirmative speaker.the 1st negative should spend about one quarter of their time rebutting.present the first half of the negative team's case.