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Coal is Black gold

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Q: Which is called the black gold coal or petroleum?
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Why is coal coal called black gold?

It is called that because in those days coal could get you alot of money, so did gold. So it was called "black gold".

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Petroleum is called as black gold because?

As petroleum is digged in the earth it is black in colour and it is very popular so it is compared to an gold then it becomes blackgold

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Is black gold ar fossil fuel?

Yes black gold is the fossil fuel.We mention petroleum as black gold.Because both petroleum and gold are expensive.

Why is petroleum called black gold?

because when crude oil is extracted from the land it is black in color. People call it gold because of its oils and value . It is very difficult to find. So it is called Black Gold.

Why petroleum is known as black gold?

Petroleum is known as "Black Gold", cause it's Black and it's worth a lot and is indispensable for the human civilization !

Black gold is also the name for?

Petroleum, also known as crude oil, is sometimes called black gold because of the enormous amount of money that is spent on it.

Is black gold called as coal?

No, What I think is that, the oil is called Black Gold. This is because of its appearance when it comes out of the ground, and gold because it made prospectors, drillers, and oil industry men rich.

Which is the black gold?


Why is coal often referred to a black gold?

Basically, coal is black and it is widely used inside our homes. The term "coal is a black gold" is just a simple metaphor.