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Q: Which is characteristic of summers in conferous forest?
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What is the birth name of Layla Summers?

Layla Summers's birth name is Layla Zoe Summers.

What is the minimum temperature at leh in summers?

3°C is the tempreture at summers in leh . Maximum is 30°C in summers

When was Spencer Summers born?

Spencer Summers was born in 1902.

When did Henry Summers die?

Henry Summers died in 2005.

When did Spencer Summers die?

Spencer Summers died in 1976.

Related questions

What are the endangered species of the northwest conferous forest?

The spotted owl is by far the most popular endangered animal of the Northwest. It has had a tremendous impact on the forest industry for the last two decades.

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Temperature Forest

What is the weather in a coniferous forest like?

winters are long and cold and summers are short and warm

What is the main reason that forest fires occur during hot summer?

Hot summers with little rain dry out the vegetation and lightening strikes find easy tinder to start raging forest fires and a lack of rain and strong hot winds get the inferno going in hot summers

What is an coniferous?

Temperate coniferous forest is a terrestrial biome found in temperate regions of the world with warm summers and cool winters and adequate rainfall to sustain a forest.

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Boreal forest are also called?

Boreal forests are also called taiga forests. They are characterized by coniferous trees, cold temperatures, and short growing seasons. The taiga is one of the largest terrestrial biomes on Earth.

What is the climate like in the boreal forest?

The boreal forest has a cold, wet climate, with long winters and cool, short summers. This type of forest is also known as the taiga and is found in places such as Alaska and Yellowstone National Park.

What are problems resulting from global climate change?

more forest fires, hotter summers,heavy snowfall,severe hurricanes

Is the silver maple dicodous or conferous?

Silver maples are leaf trees, so are deciduous. (dee-SID-you-us)

Is farming easy in conferous vegetation?

Not at all, no. The soil is very acidic and often quite thin and poor in quality.