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I know for 101% sure that gasoline is the most flammable charcoal lighter fluid contains Kero and Naphtha that would be second,kero is 3rd, and paint thinner lets say Gum Turpentine an old school paint thinner is almost as flammable as kero so its 4th. But i know you can use Gum turpentine to fuel kerosene lamps.

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Gas is more flammable because the size of the carbon atoms are smaller which means it reacts quicker with the oxygen in the air.

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Q: Which is more flammable kerosene gasoline lighter fluid or paint thinner?
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Yes the paint thinner and the gases it gives off are both flammable.

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Most modern lighters use butane. It is liquid under pressure but vaporizes when released. Butane lighters have no wick and make a slight hissing sound when in use. Lighters with a wick use a liquid fuel that is naphtha-based.

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Oh yes, paint thinner is flammable. Do not smoke while you are painting.

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