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Q: Which is non metallic element which is a conductor of electricity?
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Is oxygen A conductor Or Insulator?

Oxygen, a non-metallic element, is an insulator.

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An element that is a non-metal but conductor of electricity?

Silicon or Germanium Graphite is an excellent electrical conductor

. To what category of elements does an element belong if it is a poor conductor of electricity?

non metalsnon metals

What is a strong indication of an element metallic or non metallic nature?

Whether it conducts electricity or magnetism well. If it does, it is definitely a metal, although not all metals conduct electricity or magnetism.

What is an element that is a yellow non metallic solid?

Sulfur is an element that is a yellow non-metallic solid.

To what category of elements does an element belong if it is a poor conductor or electricity?

This makes it a Non-metal. Love, Grahamcracker

Is human body a conductor or non conductor of electricity?

the human body is a conductor of electricity

Is bromide a non metal and a good conductor of electricity?

Bromine, as the element is called on its own is a nonmetal, and is a poor conductor of electricity. Bromide salts conduct electricity if dissolved in water or molten, but not in their normal solid states.

What is the type of bonding for magnesium chloride?

magnesium chloride is a non- conductor electricity

What is the difference between metallic and non-metallic cable?

There is a big difference between Non-metallic minerals and metallic minerals.Metallic minerals are composed primarily of metallic elements and have a metallic lustre and other properties, such as the ability to conduct electricity. Non-metallic minerals do not have these characteristics

What are the properties of ionic bonds?

Ionic bonds are electrostatic bonds between ions. Most of this type of compounds are made out of a metallic element and a non metallic element. The solutions of ionic compounds conduct electricity.