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Increasing the distance between the load and pivot increases the work output of a machine.

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5d ago

Thinking and decision-making. Machines are designed to perform tasks based on predefined instructions and algorithms, so they do not have the capability for independent thinking or decision-making.

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11y ago

No way of providing a mechanical advantage is included

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Q: Which is not a way that a machine makes work easier?
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What is a device that allows you to do work in a way that is easier?

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One way a machine can make work easier for you is by?

by changing the direction of the force you applied

What is a simply machine?

a simply machine ex: (pulley) is a machine the makes work easier by making you use less force over a greater distance but you are still doing the some amount of work the greater distance fills the place where the force/effort was lost. any way back to the main question it does work in one motion like ion a pulley you pull in down and it goes up in one motion and most simple machines if not all the make work easier by changing the direction of your force/effort. answer by: kidwhoanswers

One way a machine can make work easier is by?

reducing the amount of physical effort required by amplifying or transferring the force applied by a person.

What do machines allow you to do in an easier way?

It allows you to do work in an easier way

How do you operate a floor polisher?

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it makes the way traveling faster and easier

What does the automobile do?

it makes the way traveling faster and easier

What is the difference between a tool and a machine?

Some tools are machines, such as the wedge, pulley, and flywheel. It may be that a tool makes a job easier and a machine is used to solve a problem, but even this seems like semantic wrangling. It might be that a machine is deliberately used for a job and a tool is a thing that is appropriated for a job. In this way, a human hand is a tool, but not a machine.

Why did Hamilton Smith invent the machine?

so it would be an easier way to wash clothing. DUHHHHH.

Is there a way to get free gems in clash of clans?

No there is no way. It is easier to just buy the gems. The survey on free online hacks makes it not work. And apps like app bounty or app nana fail. This is the only way to get gems.

Describe 3 ways that machines make work easier and give an example of a machine that would help in each way.?

washing machine- takes away from stress in the arm compared to old ways money counter- less time remembering amounts and starting over computer-takes less time and easier than a type writer