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Q: Which is not a way to conserve existing energy resources?
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How does reusing products help conserve natural resources?

one way is to conserve resources is to reduce the amounts that are used

How do you conserve physical resources?

The best way to conserve physical resources is to not use them. The less that is drawn from the Earth the more that can be conserved.

How can energy from the sun conserve nonrenewable resources?

Sunlight is a resource that doesn't run out. So if that energy is used instead of something else such as fossil fuels, then this helps to conserve those fuels.

Which is a way you can help conserve natural resources?


What are the ways to conserve human resources?

by optimum utilisation of resources

What is one way to conserve resources and reduce waste is to?

The best way is to reuse the item, sometimes called "repurposing."

There is nothing that you can do to conserve energy.?

There are plenty of ways that you can conserve energy. Turning off lights and televisions when leaving a room is one way. Carpooling to work is another way to conserve energy.There are many ways that a person can conserve energy. One way is to use blankets and wear warm clothing in order to reduce the amount of energy that is being used to heat your home.

There is nothing you can do to conserve energy?

There are plenty of ways that you can conserve energy. Turning off lights and televisions when leaving a room is one way. Carpooling to work is another way to conserve energy.There are many ways that a person can conserve energy. One way is to use blankets and wear warm clothing in order to reduce the amount of energy that is being used to heat your home.

What helps conserve non renewable resources by reducing your need for minerals?

The best way to conserve non renewable resources is to recycle them. To reduce your need for minerals you can find substitutes.

What is one way people can conserve natural resources?

Reducing recycling reusing

Is taking the bus one way to conserve energy?


What is one way to conserve our resources?

Take shorter showers. This will mean less energy spent cleaning and purifying water. It also saves clean water for someone else.