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Geothermal energy, which is derived from the heat within the Earth's crust, is not directly driven by energy from the sun. Other renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and hydro power all have the sun as their primary source of energy.

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Q: Which is not driven by energy from the sun?
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Which is not drivien by energy from the sun?

Geothermal energy is not driven by energy from the sun. It comes from the Earth's internal heat, generated by the natural radioactive decay of minerals deep within the Earth.

Radiation transfers energy from the sun to various parts of the earth and its atmosphere what process is driven by this transfer of energy?

The process driven by the transfer of energy from the sun by radiation is called the water cycle. This energy fuels evaporation of water from the surface, which forms clouds and eventually leads to precipitation, completing the cycle.

Thinking critically on what single energy source do most energy alternatives depend either directly or indirectly?

Most energy alternatives depend either directly or indirectly on the sun as the primary energy source. This includes solar power, wind power (driven by the sun's uneven heating of the Earth), hydropower (driven by the water cycle powered by the sun), and even biomass energy (plants use sunlight for photosynthesis).

How do consumers get their energy directly and indirectly from the sun?

Consumers can get energy directly from the sun through solar panels that convert sunlight into electricity. Indirectly, consumers benefit from the sun through various forms of renewable energy like wind power and hydropower, which are ultimately driven by the sun's energy cycle that creates wind and rain.

Is tidal energy kinetic or pontential?

Tidal energy can be considered a form of kinetic energy because it is derived from the movement of the tides, which is driven by the gravitational interactions between the Earth, moon, and sun.

Related questions

Is not driven by energy from the sun?

volcanic eruption

Is geothermal energy is driven from the sun?

No, geothermal energy is derived from the heat beneath the Earth's surface, primarily from the decay of radioactive elements and residual heat from the Earth's formation. It is not directly driven by the sun's energy.

What is the the water cycle driven by?

Mainly by solar energy and gravity. 2. By the energy from the sun.

What are the processes driven by energy from the sun?

Processes driven by energy from the sun include photosynthesis, which converts sunlight into chemical energy in plants, and evaporation, where water is heated by the sun and turns into vapor. The sun's energy also drives weather patterns, ocean currents, and the water cycle on Earth.

Which is not drivien by energy from the sun?

Geothermal energy is not driven by energy from the sun. It comes from the Earth's internal heat, generated by the natural radioactive decay of minerals deep within the Earth.

Radiation transfers energy from the sun to various parts of the earth and its atmosphere what process is driven by this transfer of energy?

The process driven by the transfer of energy from the sun by radiation is called the water cycle. This energy fuels evaporation of water from the surface, which forms clouds and eventually leads to precipitation, completing the cycle.

What is the engine that drives atmospheric circulation?

The engine that drives atmospheric circulation is the sun - which provides the energy for the circulation.

How is the earths external heat engine driven?

The Earth's external heat engine is driven by the energy from the Sun. Solar energy is absorbed by the Earth's surface, which then drives processes such as weather patterns, ocean currents, and the water cycle. This energy also contributes to the Earth's climate system and overall temperature regulation.

Thinking critically on what single energy source do most energy alternatives depend either directly or indirectly?

Most energy alternatives depend either directly or indirectly on the sun as the primary energy source. This includes solar power, wind power (driven by the sun's uneven heating of the Earth), hydropower (driven by the water cycle powered by the sun), and even biomass energy (plants use sunlight for photosynthesis).

How do consumers get their energy directly and indirectly from the sun?

Consumers can get energy directly from the sun through solar panels that convert sunlight into electricity. Indirectly, consumers benefit from the sun through various forms of renewable energy like wind power and hydropower, which are ultimately driven by the sun's energy cycle that creates wind and rain.

How do the different parts of the water cycle fit togehter?

They are all driven by energy, mainly form the Sun but also to some extent geothermal energy.

What processes on earth are driven by the sun?

Some of the processes on Earth driven by the sun include photosynthesis in plants converting sunlight into energy, the water cycle driven by solar radiation evaporating water, and the heating of the atmosphere which creates wind patterns and weather systems.