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the states' powers would be restricted and weakend.

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Q: Which is the best description of how strict constructionists thought a liberal constructionist view would affect the nation?
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Compare and contrast the beliefs of the federalist party and the demorcatic-republican party?

The Federalists believed in a strong centralized government, a commercial economy, worldwide involvement, loose constructionist, were pro-England, and thought we should fund the national debt. The rich aristocracy mainly joined this party. The Republicans believed in a moderate national government with a rural economy, they also believed in strict constructionists, and were pro-France. Independent farmers and lower class citizens tended to join this party which led to its large scale popularity among Americans.

What are the two schools of thought surrounding the Supreme courts power of judicial review?

Liberal constructivist

What were Hamilton's views of the constitution?

He believed, for one thing, that it could be taken loosely. Unlike his political rivals Jefferson and Madison, Hamilton believed that the government still had powers that weren't expressly stated, as evidenced by his support of a national bank. He argued that it was necessary and proper and the Constitution allowed for things that are necessary and proper. This is loose constructionism. Jefferson and Madison were strict constructionists and thought the Constitution was to be taken literally. In addition, he thought that power should be centered mostly in the executive branch, where Jefferson and Madison thought the legislative branch should hold most of the power. Hamilton also believed that the judicial branch had less power than the other two branches, and that that was a serious flaw with the Constitution.

Learning without thought is a labor lost Thought without learning is intellectual death by Confucius?

Learning without thought is a labor lost thought without learning is intellectual death by Confucius. This is one of the great read.

What is political ontology?

Very roughly, an "ontology" is an account about the way we give accounts; a formal description of the formal objects and structures of thought. So a "political ontology" would relate our accounts of the relations between people, policy and power. One way of thinking about this might involve asking after what the social "really" consists in. Is it a matter of a cause, an idea -- or a revolutionary "act"?

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What is the formal interpretation of the constitution called?

Constructionism - and a person (usually a judge or other member of the judiciary) who follows and supports this line of thought is often called a 'constructionist', or a 'strict constructionist". A constructionist basically believes in the literal word of the Constitution, and believes it should not be molded or twisted to fit other thought patterns or beliefs. A constructionist is usually also labeled a 'conservative'. However, not all conservatives are constructionist. For example, many conservatives would support a constitutional amendment to ban burning of the American flag as a political statement - yet a strict constructionist would say, "Hey, look - the first Amendment says "congress shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech" - it doesn't say " except for speech we don't like", or "except for saying dirty words on TV" - it says "CONGRESS SHALL MAKE NO LAW". Many conservatives get uneasy about this, and thus, quickly change the subject to something equally trivial, such as same-sex marriage.

Why did Tony Abbott join the liberal party?

because he thought that labour was a car

Are liberal always liberal on all issues?

Often individuals are not liberal or conservative across the board, and it is often considered good for people to be 'out of line' on some matters as it suggests independent thought. Short answer: obviously not

What are the two schools of thought surrounding the supreme court's power of judicial review?

Liberal constructivist

What are the two schools of the thought surrounding the supreme courts power of judicial review?

Liberal constructivist

How did Beethoven view nobility?

He was liberal for his time, he detested the class system and thought of everyone as equal

Compare and contrast the beliefs of the federalist party and the demorcatic-republican party?

The Federalists believed in a strong centralized government, a commercial economy, worldwide involvement, loose constructionist, were pro-England, and thought we should fund the national debt. The rich aristocracy mainly joined this party. The Republicans believed in a moderate national government with a rural economy, they also believed in strict constructionists, and were pro-France. Independent farmers and lower class citizens tended to join this party which led to its large scale popularity among Americans.

What is the Difference Between Strict Constructionist and Loose Constructionist?

Strict Constructionists believe a narrow, strict and literal interpretation of the express language of the Constitution is proper. This judicial philosophy requires a court to apply the exact written text of the law or regulation to the issue before the court. Otherwise known as "plain meaning," the court must apply the statute as written; there must be no interpretation or drawing inferences.The problem with the Strict Construction philosophy is that its adherents refuse to address ambiguity in language, or that the meaning of words can change over the years. And, if the traditional meaning was applied by a court, would current citizens understand the court's decision. Example: Take the word "appeasement." Prior to WWII, appeasement was another word for "negotiation." Today, it means cowardly yielding to a bulling opponent. If "appeasement" was written into the Constitution or statute, if a Strict Constructionist used the pre-WWII interpretation of the word, would contemporary readers understand the court's intent?Loose Constructionists believe the opposite; the literal language of the Constitution or statutes must be interpreted in light of contemporary society, social conduct and common understanding of language. As Justice Marshall wrote in McCulloch, "Sound construction of the Constitution must allow to the national legislature that discretion with respect to the means by which the powers it confers are to be carried into execution which will enable that body to perform the high duties assigned to it in the manner most beneficial to the people. Let the end be legitimate, let it be within the scope of the Constitution, and all means which are appropriate, which are plainly adapted to that end, which are not prohibited, but consistent with the letter and spirit of the Constitution, are constitutional." McCulloch v. Maryland, 17 US 316 (S.Ct. 1819-03-06)Complicating this philosophical debate is that each side has never adhered strictly to their own principles. Jefferson, the hero of Strict Constructionists, often took a Loose Constructionist approach while President. Hamilton, hero to the Loose Constructionists, often argued for strict application of the Constitution in certain situations.Last, do not confuse Strict Construction with Originalism. Originalism (the term came into usage in the 1980's) is a philosophy based on the principle that courts are merely to uphold the law, not interpret, "create" or amend laws. The latter powers are, under Originalism, reserved strictly for the legislative branch.

Where to find a list of essential literature regarding Marxist socialist liberal and left wing thought?

The best place to find literature regarding Marxist socialist, liberal, and left-wing thought would be to look for authors who are authorities on Marx and then check their references at the end of books and articles.

When an autor describes character thought their action speech and thougts it is called?

character description...

What is the modern name of land of the lotus eaters?

Djerba, in southern Tunisai, is often thought to fit the description

Which of these is the best description of the experience pattern?

the four steps of the learning process : perception ; thought ; action ; and reaction.