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Q: Which is the most demanded course in Oxford university?
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Does the university of oxford still exist?

YES! University of Oxford still most definitely exists! FYI: It is located in Oxford, England and is actually the oldest English speaking university in the world (it has existed for over nine centuries)! On a personal note: I have a friend who has recently been accepted to Oxford for Arts so again, yes University of Oxford does exists .

Is Oxford university in London?

The most well-known Oxford is a city in England, in the United Kingdom. Other cities with the same name can be found in Canada, the United States of America, and New Zealand.

What is the most famous university of the world?

Harvard Yale Oxford Cambridge

Which is biggest university in the world?

There would be some argument as to which is the most famous university in the world, so there will be argument as to where the most famous university is. It might be Cambridge or Oxford in England; it might be the Sorbonne in France; it might be Harvard, Princeton, or the University of California at Berkeley in the US or it might be any of several other universities around the world.

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It is found out by recent Oxford University studies to be Malaria.

Where is University which is the oldest in Britain?

Answer: The oldest university in England is the University of Oxford, which is able to trace its roots back to 1167 at least alhough there is evidence of its existence as a teaching establishment as early as the 10th century. Cambridge is the 2nd oldest in England, being established circa1209.

What school is on the Thames?

Eton is probably the most famous, in Windsor.

What is the most famous landmark in Oxford?

The Radcliffe Camera, a circular domed building which is part of the university library. The university itself has many iconic buildings.

What is the most famous college in the world?

There is no one famous school. There are many of note, including Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts in the United States and the University of Oxford in England are two famous schools that come to mind.

Where did J.R.R Tolkien get an education?

Young John Ronald Reuel Tolkien (J.R.R Tolkien) attended King Edward's school in Birmingham in the years of 1910 and 1911. Where he excelled in the early and modern English Language. In 1911 he attended Exeter college of Oxford.

Where did J.R.R Tolkien work?

Tolkien was a British Army officer in WW1. He then worked at the Oxford English Dictionary before going to lecture at the University of Leeds. However he spent most of his working life as a Professor at Oxford University (Pembroke and Merton Colleges).