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LED lamps are the most efficient as they consume less energy, last longer, and emit very little heat compared to incandescent and fluorescent bulbs. LED lamps also produce a high-quality light output and come in various color temperatures, making them versatile for different lighting needs. Overall, LED lamps provide significant energy savings and have a lower environmental impact compared to other types of lamps.

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Q: Which is the most efficient lamp and justify?
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What is the function of a capacitor in the fluorescent lamp?

A capacitor in a fluorescent lamp helps to provide a stable voltage to the lamp's ballast, ensuring proper operation of the lamp. It also helps to improve the power factor of the lamp, making it more energy efficient.

Are most fridges energy efficient?

Most modern fridges are designed to be energy-efficient, meeting strict energy efficiency standards. However, older fridges may not be as efficient, leading to higher energy consumption. It's important to look for the Energy Star label when purchasing a new fridge to ensure it is energy-efficient.

How is sodium lamp different from normal lamp?

A sodium lamp produces light by passing an electrical current through sodium vapor, emitting a yellowish-orange light. On the other hand, a typical lamp, such as an incandescent or LED lamp, produces light through the conversion of electrical energy into visible light using different mechanisms like heating a filament or stimulating electrons in a semiconductor material. Sodium lamps are more energy-efficient but have limited color rendering compared to traditional lamps.

What is the world most efficient thing?

One of the most efficient things in the world is photosynthesis, the process by which plants convert sunlight into energy. It is highly efficient at converting solar energy into chemical energy that sustains life on Earth.

What is the curly light bulb called?

The curly light bulb is called a compact fluorescent lamp (CFL). It is designed to be more energy-efficient than traditional incandescent light bulbs.

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Eff = Output/Input.

What is the function of a capacitor in the fluorescent lamp?

A capacitor in a fluorescent lamp helps to provide a stable voltage to the lamp's ballast, ensuring proper operation of the lamp. It also helps to improve the power factor of the lamp, making it more energy efficient.

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A table lamp with a fluorescent or LED bulb provides excellent energy efficient lighting. Almost any lamp can accommodate a compact fluorescent or LED bulb which makes any fixture more efficient.

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The superlative of efficient is "most efficient."

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It is an LED bulb.

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How do you choose qualified lamp?

The first thing to consider is where you will be placing the lamp and what function it will serve in the room, for instance will it be decorative or functional. Things to look for in a lamp is longevity, design, and convenience, and if it will be energy efficient. One great tip when choosing a long lasting lamp is the length of the warranty. It is a great indicator of how long the lamp with continue functioning.

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What is the comparative for efficient?

More efficient and most efficient are the comparative and superlative forms of "efficient".

What is the green efficient squiggly light bulb called?

The green efficient squiggly light bulb is called a compact fluorescent lamp (CFL). It is designed to save energy and last longer than traditional incandescent light bulbs.

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A screw is the most efficient.

Which puts out the greater percentage of its energy as light an incandescent lamp or a mercury vapor lamp?

A mercury vapor lamp puts out a greater percentage of its energy as light compared to an incandescent lamp. Mercury vapor lamps are more efficient at converting energy into light, whereas incandescent lamps produce more heat than light, making them less energy efficient.