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I think that it is Matthew because that is the first time in the Bible that it talks about Jesus being born and dying for our sins.

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Q: Which is the most important chapter in the Bible and why?
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What is the most important chapter in a book?

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The most commanded verse in the bible is from the book of John chapter 3 verse 16.

What are the longest and the shortest CHAPTERS of the Bible AND what is the central chapter of the Bible?

The longest chapter of the Bible is Psalm 119. The shortest chapter of the Bible is Psalm 117. Psalm 118 is the chapter located at the center of the Bible.

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Chapter 7 of the bible will always be chapter 7.

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The word 'penitence' does not appear in the Bible, and there is no chapter on it.

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psalms 119 has the highest verses in the Bible it has 176 verses

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The last chapter in the bible is from the book of Revelations chapter 22verse 21.

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"Jesus Wept" is the shortest verse in the whole bible. The longest chapter is Psalms 119. The shortest chapter is Psalm 117. The book of the bible with the most chapters is Psalms and it has a grand total of 150 chapters.

Why is there no chapter 4 in the Hebrew Bible?

This is not true. Every book of the Hebrew Bible has a Chapter 4.