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the fehalothorax is unique from person to person to identify each individual

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Q: Which is the most unique bone of the human body?
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Which is the strongest and longest bone of human body?

The largest and strongest bone in the body is called the MANDIBLE

What is the bone that is broken the most in the human body?

yo arm

What is the most known bone in the human body?

probably the skull

Where are bone cells in your body?

In the human body, the most likely place to find a bone (Most powerful) is the rib cage.

What bone in a human body is broken the most?

I'ma Say Leg.

What is the bendiest bone in your body?

the most fragile bone in the human body is the spine protecting the spinal cord which if snaps causes immediate death which makes it so important answered by a 10 year old who is learning about this in school

Where are most blood cells produced in a human body?

Most blood cells, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets, are produced in the bone marrow of a human body. The bone marrow is found in the cavities of bones such as the pelvis, sternum, and long bones.

What is the largest bone in our body?

The largest bone in the human ankle is the calcanius (heel bone); the densest bone, because it bears the most weight is the talus.

What is the most sprained bone in the human body?

A sprain is a partial tear of a ligament or tendon; it's not an injury to a bone.

What is the most prevalent metal in human body?

The most prevalent metal in the human body is calcium. It is an essential mineral that plays a key role in bone health, muscle function, and nerve signaling.

What bone in the human body holds the most weight?

The femur, or the thigh bone, is the longest and strongest bone in the human body and is designed to support and distribute body weight. It is able to withstand significant pressure and weight during activities like walking, running, and jumping.

What bone is broken most?

If one is talking about a single bone, statistically speaking the most commonly broken bone in the body is the clavicle, commonly referred to as the collar bone.The most common fractures in people under 75 are wrist fractures, but the wrist is not made up of a single bone, but of 8 carpal bones. After age 75, hip fractures become the most common, but this makes up only a small percentage of the population.See the related weblink below for verification, and the reasons why this is the most commonly broken bone for both children and adults.