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it uses repetition of words as well as rhymes

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3y ago

it not only rhymes but also repeats certain words.

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Q: Which is true about the rhyme scheme of one art?
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What is the rhyme scheme for Elizabeth bishop one art?

The poem "One Art" by Elizabeth Bishop follows a villanelle rhyme scheme, which consists of five tercets (ABA) followed by a quatrain (ABAA). The repeating lines "The art of losing isn't hard to master" and "though it may look like (Write it!)" maintain the structure.

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The rhyme scheme of "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost is ABAAB.

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Rhyme Scheme.. its jus the way something sounds. The rest are figures of speech.

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No, they do not, it is completely the author's choice to have a rhyme scheme or not.

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Do poems have to rhyme?

No, poems do not have to rhyme. Free verse poetry, for example, often does not have a rhyme scheme and focuses more on the flow of ideas and emotions. Rhyming is just one element of poetry, and many poets choose to experiment with different structures and forms.