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It is the numerator of a fraction which is above the denominator.

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Q: Which is used to represent how part relate to the whole?
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What is used to represent how parts relate to the whole?

The numerator in fractions

Which is used to represent how parts relate to the whole?

Proper fractions.

What is the figure of speech used as whole of a part or part of a whole?

The figure of speech used to represent the whole of a part or part of a whole is called synecdoche. It involves using a specific part of something to represent the entire thing or using the entire thing to represent just a part of it.

What percentages are used to relate the parts to the whole?

Used to relate parts or percentages to the whole

When a part is used to represent the whole?

It is a figure of speech known as a synechdoche. For example, you might say "wheels" to mean a car or "bread" to represent food of all sorts.

When are decimals used?

decimals are used when you have part of a whole for examle .362598798 is part of a whole

How does geography relate to art?

Geography can influence art in many ways, such as in the choice of subjects, materials used, and styles adopted by artists. The landscapes and natural features of a region can inspire artists to create pieces that reflect their surroundings. Additionally, the cultural and historical context of a place can shape the themes and meanings of artwork produced there.

What type of graph or chart is used to compare relate parts of a whole?

A "pie" chart would do this.

A ramdonly-selected group that is used to represent a whole population?

A sample is a randomly-selected group chosen to represent a larger population for research or analysis. Sampling aims to provide insight into the characteristics and behaviors of the entire population based on the traits observed in the sample. It is an essential method in statistics and research to draw conclusions about a larger group based on a subset of its members.

What is a fractions used to represent?

Pieces of something that are smaller than the whole thing.

How does 3.14 relate with pi in the Greek alphabet?

In math and science, Greek alphabet letters are used in formulas to represent various constants and variables. The Greek letter pi is used to represent the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.

What is the figure of speech used in this sentence- The rancher hired three new hands to help with the branding of the cattle?

A synechdoche is used in this sentence. A synechdoche is a figure of speech in which a part is made to represent the whole or vice versa.