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1 degree Celsius is about 34 times warmer; it equates to 33.8F

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Q: Which is warmer 1 fahrenheit or 1 celsius?
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What is warmer 1fahrenheit or1 Celsius?

1 Celsius is warmer than 1 Fahrenheit because the Celsius scale starts at a lower temperature than the Fahrenheit scale.

Which is warmer 60 Fahrenheit or 60 Celsius?

60 Celsius is warmer than 60 Fahrenheit. 60 degrees Celsius is equivalent to 140 degrees Fahrenheit.

What is warmer 25 degrees celsius or 25 degrees Fahrenheit?

25 degrees celsius, as 34 degrees Fahrenheit equals 1 degree celsius.

Which is warmer 14 degrees celsius or Fahrenheit?

14 degrees Celsius is warmer than 14 degrees Fahrenheit. 14 degrees Celsius is equivalent to 57.2 degrees Fahrenheit.

What is warmer 109 Fahrenheit or 35 celsius?

109 degrees Fahrenheit is equivalent to 42.78 degrees Celsius which is warmer than 35 degrees Celsius.

Is 30 degrees celsius is warmer than 90 degrees Fahrenheit?

No, 30 degrees Celsius is not warmer than 90 degrees Fahrenheit. 90 degrees Fahrenheit is equivalent to about 32.2 degrees Celsius, so 90 degrees Fahrenheit is warmer than 30 degrees Celsius.

What is warmer 0 degrees Celsius or 30 degress Fahrenheit?

0 degrees Celsius is warmer

Which is warmer 93 celsius or 115 Fahrenheit?

Temperature Fahrenheit = Temperature Celsius(1.80) + 32Temperature Fahrenheit = (93o Celsius)(1.80) + 32= 199.4 Fahrenheit==================93o C > 115o F==========

Is 1 degree Fahrenheit warmer than 1 degree Celsius?

No. Fahrenheit to Celsius is figured out by this equation: C=(F-32) x 5/9 AND Celsius to Fahrenheit uses this equation: F=(9/5 x C) + 32 No, 1 degree Fahrenheit = -17.22 degrees Celsius

Which is warmer 1F or 1C why?

1°C is warmer than 1°F. This is because the Celsius scale has a larger degree interval than the Fahrenheit scale, with each degree Celsius representing a greater change in temperature than each degree Fahrenheit.

Is Fahrenheit warmer than Celsius?

No. They are units of temperature. A value in Fahrenheit has an equivalent value in Celsius.

Is 95 Fahrenheit warmer than 50 Celsius?

Answer: No 50 Celsius = 32 + 50 x 9/5 Fahrenheit = 32 + 90 F = 123 Fahrenheit So, 50 Celsius is warmer than 95 Fahrenheit