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ENT specialist

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Q: What type of doctor removes ear wax from ears?
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How to stop itchy stretched ears?

go to the ear doctor.

What type of doctor is for ringing in ears?

You will probably have to see a general practicioner first to get a referral to an ear, nose and throat specialist.

Which headphones work the best for someone with really small ears?

If you have smaller ears, you should get the ear bud type headphones that will fit directly into your ear.

How long do ears stay swollen after ear piercing them?

They don't swell. see a doctor if they are.

Is it bad when your ears are bleeding and you have tubes in your ears?

Contact your physician immediately. The ear tubes may not be put in correctly and may be causing permanent damage to your ear canals and/or ear drums.

Why does liquid come out of ears if the person had ear tubes?

It depends what kind of liquid is coming out. It could just be ear wax, but it could also be a sign of an ear infection. Have your doctor check it out.

What is the Gaelic word for ear or ears or large ears?

cluas is an ear, cluas mor is a large ear

What is Stahl's ears?

To reshape deformed ears. One congenital type of deformity is known as Stahl's ear, which is characterized by a pointed upper edge produced by the flattening of the ear rim and folding of the cartilage.

Are cropped ears bad for dogs?

Cropping a dog's ear is cutting a portion of the ear off. Some dogs rely on this outer ear to protect the inner ear from water and bugs and etc, so cropping this type of ear can, indeed, be bad for the dog. Hunting dogs sometimes have their ears cropped to, theoretically, protect them from animals that will grab the ear and/or to protect them from the pain and blood loss of a torn ear from running through the brush. This is about the only valid reason for cropping the ears of a dog. In most other cases, cropping is completely unneeded and even the AKC has recently ruled that lack of cropping is not a disqualification for dogs with traditionally cropped ears. A show dog should be judged by the quality of the dog, not the quality of the doctor who hacks off his ears. If you want a short-eared dog, breed short ears onto them.

What do you do if you have tubes and get an ear infection?

Your doctor will most likely prescribe either antibiotics or ear drops. If you have tubes in your ears and you still get frequent ear infections, contact your physician. The ear tubes may not be working the way they should be.

Do water dwellers have ears if so what type?

A water dwellers ears depend on each individual species. Some have outer ears, some have ear flaps, while some have no ears at all.

What is the name of the doctor that takes care of ear problems?

Ear nose and throat specialist is the type of Doctor. The search for one in your area would depend on your insurance provider. Many insurances require a referral from your Doctor. Your Doctor's office can provide you names of specialists that they maintain a good working relationship with and who have offices in your local area. Most would do this at no charge over the phone even if you have not had a recent visit, but have been a patient. If you do need a referral then you have to start at your Doctor's office anyway. Some people contact their insurance provider to locate a doctor in the area who accepts the insurance that they have.