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Gravitational and Electromagnetic energy transfers can occcur in "empty" space.

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Electromagnetic radiation, such as light, can travel through empty space without the need for a medium due to its wave-particle duality. This transfer of energy can occur through the vacuum of space via electromagnetic waves.

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Q: Which kind of energy transfer can occur in empty space?
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Which type of thermal energy transfer can occur in empty space or a vacuum?

Radiation is the only form of thermal energy transfer that can occur in empty space or a vacuum. Radiation does not require a medium to transfer heat because electromagnetic waves can travel through a vacuum.

What is heat transfer through empty space?

Heat transfer through empty space is known as radiation. It does not require a medium (such as air or water) for heat to travel and can occur in a vacuum. This type of heat transfer is how the sun's energy reaches us on Earth.

What type of energy transfer that can occur in empty space is?

Electromagnetic energy can propogate through a vacuum, so energy transfer can occur in the form of light, heat, x rays, gamma rays, gamma rays etc.

What is the transfer of heat energy through empty space called?

The transfer of heat energy through empty space is called radiation. It is a method of heat transfer that does not require a medium such as air or water to carry the heat.

Can mechanical waves transfer energy through empty space?

No, mechanical waves require a medium, such as air or water, to transfer energy. Without a medium to propagate through, mechanical waves cannot transfer energy through empty space. Electromagnetic waves, however, can transfer energy through empty space.

What is the only form of heat transfer that can occur across empty space?

The only form of heat transfer that can occur across empty space is radiation. Radiation does not require a medium to transfer heat and can travel through the vacuum of space, such as sunlight reaching the Earth.

The transfer of energy though empty space is called?


The transfer of energy through empty space is called?


What is the transfer of energy through empty space called?


Is the transfer of energy through empty space is called convection?

No. (radiation)

Can mechanical waves transfer through empty space?

No. Mechanical waves are utterly incapable of transfering energy through empty space.

Which is the only type of energy transfer that can traverse through empty space?

Electromagnetic radiation is the only type of energy transfer that can traverse through empty space. This includes energy in the form of light, radio waves, x-rays, and gamma rays.