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Q: Which language had the biggest impact on human history?
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Which language has had the biggest impact on human history?


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Humans have the biggest impact on the biosphere due to their widespread activities such as habitat destruction, pollution, and climate change. These actions disrupt ecosystems and biodiversity, altering the balance of the planet's natural processes.

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Wolves were overhunted, but they are not extinct.

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It shows his insensitivity to human suffering.

What is one impact of the language used by Ariel in the excerpt from the tempest?

It shows his insensitivity to human suffering.

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Location, place, human-environment interaction, movement, and region

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human impact is impact of humans on an enviornment

Why is that history of man is no less than the history of human wisdom?

Pardon me? 'History of man' as 'written history' or 'anthropological history?' 'History of human wisdom' as 'history of philosophy' or as some other form of preserving our ideas (The Vedas or Hammurabi's Code)? 'No less than' as 'completely contained within an understanding of' or as 'equivalent to.' Sorry to be pedantic, but human language is often so deliciously unclear!

What was so important about the Hebrew language?

The Hebrew language has a very long and unique History. It originated longer than 12,000 years ago, and it is also the only language in human history ever to be revived into a modern spoken language. See related links for more information.

What has the author enemy to human diseases Sylvan written?

Sylvan's book "The Enemy Within: A History of Human Disease" explores the impact of various diseases on human history, from ancient times to the modern era. The author delves into how diseases have shaped societies, cultures, and medical advancements throughout history.

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It brought about the biggest change to warfare in human history, comparable only to the creation of modern warfare from the First World War.

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yes, because globalization in history has shown an increase in human interaction alowing the spread of ideas, technology, disease, and many other things.