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The first law of motion. Any object will stay in motion at the same speed and direction unless acted on by an outside force The first law of motion. Any object will stay in motion at the same speed and direction unless acted on by an outside force

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15y ago
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1w ago

The egg drop competition typically demonstrates Newton's first law of motion, which states that an object at rest will stay at rest and an object in motion will stay in motion unless acted upon by an external force. The goal is to design a contraption that minimizes the external forces acting on the egg to protect it from breaking when dropped.

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9y ago

The law of motion that is demonstrated by doing the egg drop experiment is the law of inertia. It is a fairly common experiment that is done in many classrooms.?æ

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13y ago

beause its all about mass and the acceleration of the object and materbation

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10y ago


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Q: Which law of motion is the egg drop competion explanition?
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How to use gravity with an egg drop experiment?

To use gravity in an egg drop experiment, simply drop the egg from a certain height and observe how gravity affects its descent. You can vary the height from which you drop the egg to see how it impacts the egg's landing. Consider using different materials or design structures to protect the egg from the force of gravity upon impact.

What is the variables of the egg drop experiment?

The variables in an egg drop experiment typically include the height from which the egg is dropped, the materials used to protect the egg, and the surface on which the egg lands. These variables can affect the outcome of the experiment and determine whether the egg survives the fall.

How does momentum and impulse affect the egg drop?

Momentum and impulse are both important in an egg drop experiment. Momentum is the mass of the egg multiplied by its velocity, which determines how difficult it is to stop the egg upon impact. Impulse, on the other hand, is the force acting on the egg over a period of time during impact, influencing the egg's change in momentum. These factors impact how well the egg survives the drop.

What should you call your egg drop project?

You could consider a fun and catchy name like "Egg-cellent Contraption" or "Egg-tastic Drop Challenge" to make your project stand out.

What are facts about the egg drop experiment?

The egg drop experiment is a popular science project where participants design a container that will protect a raw egg from breaking when dropped from a height. It teaches concepts about gravity, inertia, and impact forces. Participants use materials like straws, cotton balls, and bubble wrap to cushion the egg during the drop.

Related questions

What is Siemen's egg drop?

Siemen's egg drop is a experament, where you have to wrap the chicken egg in materails and drop it and hope it doesn't breah.

When was Egg Drop created?

Egg Drop was created on 2012-01-11.

What does a guy mean when he says egg drop?

In my school an "egg drop" is a project where you build a device to catch an egg.

Ways to drop an egg without breaking it?

drop it on a mattress

What can you use to win the egg drop?

To win the egg drop competition, you can use materials such as straws, cotton balls, bubble wrap, or small cushions to create a protective casing around the egg to absorb the impact. It's important to design a structure that reduces the force of impact when the egg is dropped from a height. Make sure to test your design by dropping it from various heights to see if it can withstand the impact and protect the egg.

How do you keep an egg from breaking in an egg drop?

You use a Plastic egg

Ways to drop an egg with out breaking?

One way to drop an egg without breaking it is to use a lot of padding and put the egg in a container.

How to use gravity with an egg drop experiment?

To use gravity in an egg drop experiment, simply drop the egg from a certain height and observe how gravity affects its descent. You can vary the height from which you drop the egg to see how it impacts the egg's landing. Consider using different materials or design structures to protect the egg from the force of gravity upon impact.

How do you drop a egg?

By throwing it

How do you make an eggshell survive a drop?

dont drop the egg.

What would help you whisk an egg faster-an egg beater or a folk and why?

a egg beater because it whisks the egg circular motion faster motion because its like when you whisk its like it got

How to protect a egg in egg drop?

To protect an egg in an egg drop, you can cushion it with materials such as cotton balls, bubble wrap, or foam. Create a protective layer around the egg and ensure it is securely enclosed within a sturdy container. Test your design by dropping it from various heights to see if the egg remains intact.