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The mesosphere is the layer of the atmosphere that protects the Earth's surface from most meteoroids. Meteoroids burn up in this layer due to the high temperature caused by the friction with the air molecules.

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Q: Which layer of the atmosphere protects earth surface from being hit by most meteorids?
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Which layer of the atmosphere protects Earth's surface from being hit by the most meteoroids?

The mesosphere protects the earth from most meteoroids.

What Layer Of The Atmosphere Protects Earth's Surface From Being Hit By Most Meteroids?

The mesosphere is the layer of the atmosphere that protects Earth's surface from most meteoroids. When meteoroids enter the mesosphere, they burn up due to the high temperature caused by friction with the air particles. This process produces the phenomena known as shooting stars or meteors.

How tall is the atmosphere column?

The atmosphere column extends about 621 miles (1,000 kilometers) above the Earth's surface. The atmosphere is divided into different layers based on temperature variations, with the troposphere being the layer closest to the Earth's surface and extending up to about 7 miles (11 kilometers) high.

Before the suns ray can reach earth surface they have topass through the?

Earth's atmosphere, which consists of different layers such as the troposphere, stratosphere, and mesosphere. As sunlight passes through these layers, it is filtered and scattered, with some of the light being absorbed by gases and particles in the atmosphere. This process can affect the color and intensity of the sunlight reaching the Earth's surface.

About 6 percent of solar radiation is what by the Earth's surface?

About 6 percent of solar radiation is absorbed by the Earth's surface, with the remaining percentage being reflected back into space or absorbed by the atmosphere.

Related questions

Which layer of the atmosphere protects Earth's surface from being hit by the most meteoroids?

The mesosphere protects the earth from most meteoroids.

What layer of the atmosphere protects Earth's surface from being hit by asteroids?

The entire atmosphere will burn up small asteroids (meteors), but larger ones will strike the Earth. This is how the Caribbean Sea was created.

What Layer Of The Atmosphere Protects Earth's Surface From Being Hit By Most Meteroids?

The mesosphere is the layer of the atmosphere that protects Earth's surface from most meteoroids. When meteoroids enter the mesosphere, they burn up due to the high temperature caused by friction with the air particles. This process produces the phenomena known as shooting stars or meteors.

What layer protect us from meteorit impacts?

The atmosphere protects us from meteorite impacts. When a meteorite enters Earth's atmosphere, it burns up due to friction with the air, preventing it from reaching the Earth's surface and causing damage.

What layer in the atmosphere protects earth from being hit by meteoroids?

the mesosphere

What happens to the atmosphere if there is very little to no ozone?

Ozone contributes to Earth because it protects it from being hit by harmful ultraviolet rays. If there's no ozone, the Earth's surface will be too overheated and no one would survive.

Which layer of the atmosphere protct earth's surface from being hit by most meteoroids?

ozone layer

Why is glazing is done is ceramics?

Glazing seals the surface of the pottery - making it capable of holding liquids. It also protects the surface from light damage (for example - being hit with a teaspoon).

Why has the Earth's magnetic field allowed life to develop?

The shield protects life on earth from deadly radiation by deflecting the radiation away from the atmosphere. It also prevents the atmosphere from being blown away by the solar wind.

How tall is the atmosphere column?

The atmosphere column extends about 621 miles (1,000 kilometers) above the Earth's surface. The atmosphere is divided into different layers based on temperature variations, with the troposphere being the layer closest to the Earth's surface and extending up to about 7 miles (11 kilometers) high.

What is the warmest layer of air is the?

The warmest layer of the Earth's atmosphere is the troposphere. This is the layer closest to the Earth's surface and contains most of the atmosphere's mass. Temperatures decrease with altitude in this layer, with the surface being warmer than higher altitudes.

Why is the Moon's surface not worn and change like the earth's surface?

No atmosphere or water to do any weathering. The weathering of the moon largely consists of being hit by micrometeorites, mostly dust-sized.