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Q: Which leader wanted to reunify Korea under communist control?
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Why did the communist forces attack south Vietnam?

They wanted it under Communist North Vietnamese control; a united Vietnam...what it is today. They won the war, remember?

What problems did Vietnam have after World War 2?

Probably economic problem, disunity within Vietnam (Yes- some wanted Vietnam to be communist, they were called Vietcong and while the rest wanted a republic type of government which resulted into North & South Vietnam that was later in the end of 1970s, the failure of South Vietnam which is a democratic nation, North Vietnam had attempt and succeed in reunify Vietnam into communist.) and under French's harsh leadership.

What was one of Stalin's major goals in eastern Europe after World War 2?

To create a protective buffer zone of friendly governments.

Who was the communist leader and president of North Vietnam from 1945 to 1969?

The Communist leader of North Vietnam was Ho Chi Minh. He was a revolutionary leader that wanted Vietnam's independence from foreign countries. He was born in 1890 and died in 1969. After the fall of Saigon during the Vietnam War, it was renamed Ho Chi Minh City for this leader.

What were the goals for each side of the Korean war?

Communist North Korea wanted to re-unite with it's Southern Counterpart. The free nation of SOUTH Korea wished to remain a non-communist country.

Who was the leader of Europe that established a communist state that wanted to transform the country into a world power by stomping out private enterprise and controlling the land?

Joseph Stalin.

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During the Korean War which 3 countries wanted control of Korea?

Korea (backed by the capitalist west) China (backed by the communist east)

Why did the communists attack south Vietnam?

They wanted it under Communist North Vietnamese control; a united Vietnam...what it is today. They won the war, remember?

Why was Communist Manifesto written?

Karl Marx had an International Communist Party and he wanted to make a, as we would call it today, a party constitution. He also wanted to define communism in "The Manifesto of the Communist Party".

Why was the communist manifesto written?

Karl Marx had an International Communist Party and he wanted to make a, as we would call it today, a party constitution. He also wanted to define communism in "The Manifesto of the Communist Party".