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The shorter the pendulum the more swings you get.

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The length of the pendulum that made the most number of swings is the longest one. Longer pendulums have a longer period of oscillation, allowing them to swing back and forth more times before coming to a stop.

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Q: Which length of the pendulum made the most number of swing?
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Does temperature effects the simple pendulum having metallic wire?

Yes, temperature can have an impact on a simple pendulum made with a metallic wire. As the temperature changes, the length of the wire can expand or contract, which can affect the period of the pendulum's swing. This change in length can cause the pendulum to either speed up or slow down.

What variables affect how fast a pendulum swings?

The factors that affect the speed of a pendulum swing include the length of the pendulum, the angle at which it is released, and the force of gravity acting on it. In general, a longer pendulum will swing more slowly, while a shorter pendulum will swing faster. Additionally, increasing the angle of release will cause the pendulum to swing faster.

What is the reason of pendulum clocks become slow in summer?

Pendulum clocks can become slow in summer due to expansion of materials in warmer temperatures, which can affect the length of the pendulum and thus the timing of the clock. As the pendulum lengthens, it takes longer to complete each swing, leading to a slower overall timekeeping.

What is a pengelom?

There is no widely recognized definition or meaning for the term "pengelom." It may be a made-up word or have significance in a specific context that is not widely known.

How Does the angle affect the simple pendulum?

The angle at which the simple pendulum is released affects the period of its oscillation. A larger initial angle will produce a longer period as the pendulum swings back and forth. This is because the gravitational force is resolved into two components, one along the path of motion and one perpendicular to it.

Related questions

What does to the pendulum has made a full swing mean?

180 degrees

Which length of the pendulum made the most number of swings?

A shorter pendulum will make more swings per second. Or per minute. Or whatever.

Does temperature effects the simple pendulum having metallic wire?

Yes, temperature can have an impact on a simple pendulum made with a metallic wire. As the temperature changes, the length of the wire can expand or contract, which can affect the period of the pendulum's swing. This change in length can cause the pendulum to either speed up or slow down.

If pendulum is made to swing in water compare the time taken for this pendulum to come to a complete stop with the time taken by a pendulum swinging in air?

The pendulum will take more time in air to stop completely in comparision with water

What variables affect how fast a pendulum swings?

The factors that affect the speed of a pendulum swing include the length of the pendulum, the angle at which it is released, and the force of gravity acting on it. In general, a longer pendulum will swing more slowly, while a shorter pendulum will swing faster. Additionally, increasing the angle of release will cause the pendulum to swing faster.

What is the reason of pendulum clocks become slow in summer?

Pendulum clocks can become slow in summer due to expansion of materials in warmer temperatures, which can affect the length of the pendulum and thus the timing of the clock. As the pendulum lengthens, it takes longer to complete each swing, leading to a slower overall timekeeping.

What is the purpose of a pendulum?

Pendulums have been used for thousands of years as a time keeping device in various civilizations. Assuming that it is only displaced by a small angle, a pendulum wall have a period of 2pi*√(L/g) where L is the length of the pendulum and g is the acceeleration due to gravity, normally 9.81m/s². One of the cool things about pendulums is that if one is made with a length of one meter, it will have a period of 2.00607 seconds, meaning it will take just slightly more than one second to swing from one side to another.

What is a pengelom?

There is no widely recognized definition or meaning for the term "pengelom." It may be a made-up word or have significance in a specific context that is not widely known.

Why does a pendulum lose time in summer and gain time in winter?

As the arm supporting the pendulum expands in the warmer temperatures of summer, so the swing distance slightly increases, so taking longer to swing and slowing down the clock. Back in the colder winter weather, the pendulum support contracts, getting slightly shorter. This increases the speed of the swing and the timing is increased. So in summer time slows down, and in winter time speed up. This is when adjustment is usually made to regain the correct time.

What will be the time period of a pendulum if it's length is made one fourth of it?

Since the period of a simple pendulum (for short swings) in proportional to the square root of its length, then making the length one quarter of its original length would make the period one half of its original period.Periodapproximately = 2 pi square root (length/acceleration due to gravity)

What effect would the temperature have on the time kept by a pendulum clock made of iron bar?

I think you're saying that the pendulum itself is an iron bar.-- The period of the swing is determined by the pendulum's length. Whether the pendulumis a long distributed mass, or just all one lump down at the end, its effective length ineither case is the distance from the pivot to its center of mass.-- Rising temperature makes the iron bar longer, but doesn't change its mass. So itscenter of mass becomes farther from the pivot, and its period of swing increases.-- So higher temperature would make the clock run slower.This sounds like an elegant way to detect small differences in local gravity at differentplaces. I don't know for a fact, but I'll just bet that this is how it's actually done, witha portable instrument based on a pendulum-regulated timekeeping device.

Which variables made no difference in the number of swings?

Assuming that this question concerns a pendulum: there are infinitely many possible answers. Among these are: the name of the person swinging the pendulum, the colour of the pendulum, the day of the week on which the experiment is conducted, the mass of the pendulum, my age, etc.