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Q: Which materials make the best thermal insulators?
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What kinds of materials make good insulators?

There are a number of materials that make good thermal insulators. Blankets and pockets of air make good thermal insulators for example.

Which materials make the best insulators?


What substances are the best insulators?

Usually nonmetals. Rubber, plastic, wood, cloth, paper, Styrofoam, tinfoil (to reflect the heat.)The most common insulator for electricity is plastic.

What materials are thermal insulators?

A thermal insulator is a material which does not allow the passage of heat; therefore the particles which make up the material are not free to move. Plastics, wood, and air can be thermal insulators providing that NO thermal currents can develop. Air in trapped clothing, air between the panes of glass in double glazing are examples, as are a lid to cover the coffee mug.

What materials make the best conductors and insulators?

Conductors- Most types of metal. Copper and Aluminium are used these days. Silver is a very good conductor but it is expensive. Insulators- rubber, plastic and wood are good insulators in the solid state.

What materials make good insulators?

Rubber, Styrofoam, air pockets, cloth, plastic

How are thermal insulators used to control the transfer of thermal energy?

Manufactures usually make building insulation from a fluffy material, such as fiberglass,that contains pockets of trapped air.

What materials are used to make a thermal curtain liner?


What is in an example of a good insulator?

A material or an object that does not easily allow heat, electricity, light, or sound to pass through it. Air, cloth and rubber are good electrical insulators; feathers and wool make good thermal insulators.

Why do certain materials make good heat insulators?

Cuz of insufficient presense of electrons in the external shell of such material's atom

Name two other materials that are poor conductors of electricity and might make good insulators?

plastic, glass and rubber

What three materials that use trapped air to make good insulators?

FoamDouble Paned GlassFiberglass insulation.Light BulbHair & Feathers